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The screams of the people around us as they enjoy every rhythm of the concert was ecstatic. Their faces say that the expensive ticket is well-deserved to attend to. It was visible that people attended this event to escape the sickening reality.

I was with my friends Rio, Knight, Lazaro, Avo, and Avery. We all work on Avo's company since he owns one and the salary, he offers is quite good for beginners. We all are here because Avery, the one who loves to plan, encouraged us that we have to unwind, since we are all alcoholic.

The songs were familiar to us, and just like others, we are singing as if it was the end of the world.

"Guys! Guys!" Rio shouted.

"Why bro?" said by Lazaro.

"I have to pee."

After a few minutes, my phone rang.

"Work again? Bro, we're here to have fun, okay?" said by Knight.

It was getting late and Avo, the one who volunteered to bring his van already encouraging us to go home since he wants to get some rest. The whole squad agreed.

Another day came and it was a normal day. We are all on our usual corporate attires-ready to end the day productively. After hours, we are all shocked and confused when we heard from Avo's secretary that the cops are entering the vicinity of his company.

"Is Mr. Louie, Rio, Knight, Lazaro, Avo, and Avery here?" said by the officer.

It seems like he is the head, the one who facilitates when something came up.

"I am Avo, the CEO of the company. The other names that you mentioned are all here. What can we do for you?"

"A girl named Sienna Marie died last night, the autopsy showed that she was stabbed 56 times and they found the body after the concert in BGC. We heard that you were there during the event. That is, all of you are invited to the police station to ask for your statement.  We are looking forward on your cooperation."

"Why are you there that night?" said by the investigator.

"We're having a break from work." Said by Lazaro.

"Is there any suspicious happened that moment?"

"There's none. Everyone is too busy enjoying the music." as replied by Rio. 

"How about the one who owns a company, do you think he can let someone do it? Given the fact that he's rich and powerful."

"Of course not! Avo is a type of guy who is down to earth and would totally not gonna do such things in his life. He always follows the rules, you can check his profile in the company." Said by Avery.

"By any chance, do you know someone named Sienna Marie?"

"All through my life, I haven't met a girl name like that." Avo replied.

"How about your other friends? Do you think one of them is behind this?"

"We already know each other for years. We're all stable, and I don't think one of them are capable to do such things." I said.

"As you see in this CCTV recording, all of you guys already left the concert even though it is not yet over. Why so?"

"With due respect sir, if you are accusing us about this crime, I can tell you right now that we're not part of it and will never be. Obviously, we already went home because we're tired and there's a work waiting for us the next morning." Said by Knight.

After the said investigation, we decided to go to Avo's house. What is him, is ours. That man is generous more than you ever imagine.

We all cooled down, not until Knight broke the silence.

"Seriously guys? We just had a statement and it bothers me. I trust all of you, but if any of you who did it, it is not the time to lie. This is really something. Let us recall every second that night. It is the only thing that will all save us from this accusation."

"Avery is the one who invited us to join the concert!" I said.

"Wow! Lazaro is problematic during that time-seems like he's not on the right mind in which gives him a capability to do it!"

"Seriously? But have you ever thought why Avo encouraged us to go home early? Probably he's behind all of this."

"Amazing, Lazaro, I think you need a promotion on what you said. Knight, we all know that you're the smartest kid in here, you took advantage on the situation and now playing safe, huh?"

We are all shouting, and everyone keeps denying. God knows how frustrated we are right now.

Suddenly, Lazaro began talking again.

"I think we missed something. I remembered that Rio, that night, told us, that he'll go to the bathroom to pee but I was the only one who heard it since all of you guys were entertained by the performance."

They were all shouting again but this time, to Rio.

"Jesus! Rio, did you fucking do it?" said by Avery after he grabbed Rio's collar.

"What the fuck bro!"

"Don't you have any conscience?"

"Are you insane Rio? Seriously?"

"Sorry Rio, but I guess you don't have balls and you deserve these punches."

Those are the words they are throwing at Rio. They punched him over and over again until he barely breathes. He does not say a word nor fight back.

"Let us go. This is such a waste of time. He will not admit anything, and I guess, our guts already said that it was him." Said by Knight.

"Louie aren't you coming with us?" said by Lazaro.

"No. I'll go home later." I shortly replied.

When I assured that everyone already left, I went to Rio who's now full of blood in his face.

"Why are you covering up for me?"

"It's because I love you."

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