Down by the River

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Moomin watched as Snufkin sat near the small river, a fishing rod sat between a few rocks as Snufkin laid on his back. The big green hat he had was covering his face while the small feather on it moved with the small breeze.

"What do you have a crush on my brother or something?" Moomin's head snapped to the small girl next to him. "What!? No!" Moomin shouted as soon as he heard the words. "Uh huh." My said with a smirk.

"You don't need to get all defensive." My giggled, walking away. Moomin watched Little My walk away before looking back at Snufkin.

It's not weird to want to make sure that Snufkin's ok right?? He had stayed in the room most of the day and when he did come out he just thanked Moominmama for something and left without talking to anyone else.

Little My hadn't even bothered asking if he was ok! Moomin thought it was rude that she didn't even try to talk to him after he'd been locked up in a room for hours on end.

He tried to ask her why she didn't try to talk to Snufkin as he was leaving and she just looked up at Moomin and said 'Mind your business'.

'Like she's one to talk.' Moomin thought angrily, recalling what had happened just a little earlier that day.

Moomin snapped out of his thoughts and saw Snufkin looking back at him. 'Oh shit I was staring.' Moomin thought and adverted his eye contact.

'Maybe i should go over to him.' Moomin smiled at the thought and looked back up to see Snufkin was looking down into the river.

Moomin walked off of the bridge that went over the small river and walked over to Snufkin. Snufkin looked beside him as Moomin sat down. Snufkin stayed silent for a few seconds for speaking up "Aren't you supposed to be with Snorkmaiden today?" He asked quietly and Moomin flopped back into the grass looking up in the clear blue sky.

"Yeah but she canceled." Moomin shrugged. He really didn't care all that much, she was probably helping her brother with something or another.

Snufkin just nodded, setting his hat on the ground next to him while he continued to look into the river with a bored expression.

'Should I ask about this morning?' Moomin thought silently, watching the sky as if there was something actually interesting happening up there.

'Trans.. What is that again? I know I've heard mama talking about it before.' Moomin asked himself, thinking about the conversation with Snorkmaiden. 'So he has..a girls body?' Moomin wasn't the best at remembering things.

'I'm sure Snorkmaiden explained it and I was spacing out.' Moomin sighed, frustrated with himself for not being able to focus better.

'Was trans the thing that Snork was? No, that was something else. What was Snork. Snorkmaiden called it.. Demi...boy? I think.' Moomin tried to remember.

It's not that Moomin wasn't supportive, he just wasn't good at remembering. He wished he was cause he didn't like messing up what people's pronouns and names were when he knew them as something different from before.

"So.." Moomin mumbled, getting Snufkin's attention. Moomin instantly regretted opening his mouth. He felt awkward talking about this for some reason.

"Mhm" Snufkin hummed, his eyes still glued to the moving water. "This morning.." Moomin tried to find words too say but it was hard for some reason.

It shouldn't be this hard to ask something so simple. But his stomach was weird. Like it was in knots. He felt so nervous as if he was confessing a secret to him.

Snufkin seemed to freeze as the words left Moomin mouth. "What about it?" Snufkin asked as though nothing had happened at all.

"You had..a chest?" Moomin said confused, putting his arm over his eyes. Snufkin stayed silent. "But now you don't?" Moomin mumbled.

It was true, because Snufkin was wearing his binder again. " was like.. your body wasn't your own?" Moomin said trying to explain what he meant. "I mean, it was your body, obviously that sounded dumb, but it wasn't what I've seen?"

"Ugh, I don't know how to explain." Moomin groaned, rubbing his palms into the corners of his eyes. "I guess I'm just trying to ask what was happening this morning." Moomin finished.

It was quiet for a minute. The only sounds were the running water of the river and the sound of leaves rustling together in the trees around.

It would've been peaceful if it wasn't for the awkward tension looming over the two. The vibe was messed up, not completely bad but it also wasn't good.

"I'd rather not talk about it right now." Snufkin mumbled, staring where his fishing line was sunk in the water. Moomin sat up and nodded a little.

It was awkward around them, neither knew what to say.

Moomin started picking flowers around him, slowly starting to weave them together. It didn't take long for Moomin to have a flower crown in his hands, putting a few more in an places that looked empty.

Snufkin looked over at Moomin to see what he was doing, having gotten a little bored at staring at the lake.

As soon as Snufkin turned his head Moomin set the crown on the others head. Snufkin looked Moomin in the eyes and felt his cheeks warm up a bit.

"Oh, uhm, thanks." Snufkin said, he was leaning in a bit cause of the weird angle Moomin sat the flower crown on Snufkin's head.

"Uhm, Moomin?" Snufkin's voice was soft but it snapped Moomin out of whatever thoughts he was having. His hands were still on the flower crown, so he was still leaning into Snufkin's direction, staring the brownish-orange haired boy in the eyes.

Moomin's pale face flushed a pink tone and he snatched his hands away. "S-Sorry!" He sputtered out quickly, looking down to his legs.

Snufkin smiled and started to laugh at his best friends flustered face.

"W-what are you laughing at?" Moomin asked confused while Snufkin just continued laughing.

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