Chapter 1

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It all started when I left my owner's house on a Tuesday. I was minding my own bussiness, doing medaliy routine by going outside and taking a wizz. I went back in the house to wake up my owner so we could go for our daliy walk to the park so we can both get our exercise at the park. We are just walk on the really cold pavement, it was early so it we still cold, figuring out what to do. Whule we werw walking I was my bestfriend, Jack. I barked at my owner to let him know to unleash me. He let me go, I didnt rub to hin though casue it was cold. "Wassup Jack" I said. "YO YO YO K9 WAZZZUP BRO", Jack said. "Haha what you doing at the park so early?" He said, "Dude you did see the hot dog guy. He got a new shipment of hot dogs. Im so finna be all over that dude" "Haha dude your crazy. Well I'll catch you later, I gotta get back to my owner bro." As I walked back to my owner I saw this beatiful German Shepherd just sitting there but I didn't go up to her because I was too shy so I just went back to my owner. We walked around the park just watching the place but my eyes were just focused on the german shepherd just looking at her walk around. While I was looking at her I saw jack runnng for the hot dog guy saying, "Thanks for the food bruh bruh". I couldn't do nothing but laugh. He kept running even though the vendor wasn't chasing and bummed into the the girl I was staring at. Surprisingly she didn't yell at him like alot of girls would have done, instead she helped him up and get his hot dogs. I watched them for alittle but as they start talking they started lokking at me. When they finished talking Jack walked towards me so I left my owner so i could walk to him faster. He said, "yo dude did you see that girl?!?" "Yea dude I did, Like she unexplainable, she is so bad." "yea dude I know right but she's not my type though, shes alittle to soft, I like aggressive girls haha." "I have nothing to say about you dude, like I said your CRAZY but what did she say?" "All she said was oh i'm sorry and she helped me pick my stuff up and I showed her you says thats my besfriend and stuff like that." 'oh ok well i guess ill see you later then." " Alright bro I'll see you around." We parted ways and as I walk away I looked at her again and this this time she looked at me back and waved. I was so nervous all I did was smile. We walked home and all I could think about was her and what Jack and her talked about. Was it really about the hot dogs, was it about me, was he trying to get with her? I dont know yet, i'll have to ask him tomorrow. Me and my owner walked in the warm comfortable house and we immediately layed down and watched tv. I layed in his cold lap so I could watch tv from a high place. As I watched the tv every girl I saw was the girl I saw at the park. I was really upset to because I really wanted to watch Zack and Cody (Throw-Back XD). Eventually she got out of my mind and I was able yo watch tv but as soon as that happenes I feel asleep. Sadly, I broke my streak of continuous watching Zack and Cody. My streak was like 99 days in a row. I guess I gotaa start over. The next day came and my owner was still sleep in his bed. I didn't wake him cause I know how he feels, I also love my beauty sleep. So we decided to sleep on today and hit the park to tomorrow. At least I could still see my bestfriend. He usually comes to my back yard so we could chill. He walked in through the back dog door. I watched him walk in he looked hurt so I walked towards him instead. when I walked up to him his front arm was bleeding. I asked, "What happened to your arm." "Some gang members attacked me cause I was looking at one of their girls." "What gang was it" I asked. He said, "The Dog Lords". The Dogs Lords run almost everything in the city of Detriot, anyone that went against them either died or went missing. "Dude you know that's the toughest gang in the whole city. Did they do anything else." "They just said if I looked at there girl again they'll kill me." "Who was she?" "The girl at the park I bumped into." In my mind i just couldn't believe that such an nice, beautiful girl is dating a gang member? I was so confused but I needed to worry about my friend then the girl. I woke up my owner to let him know about my friend and when he woke up we went straight to the hospital. the doctors fixed his arm and put gaze around it so it could heal faster. On the way back Jack was telling me about what they did to him and what they would do if they say him diong that again. as I listen all I thought about was what would happen if I ever talked to her. He said that all he did was look at her and say i remember you.I was afraid to talk to her but a weird feeling in my gut told me your going to talk to her and your never going to regret it. Its a funny thing to, I always listen to my gut and never my mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2014 ⏰

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