Keefe Sencen Appreciation Day

43 3 19

The challenge ran thus:



So whether you're a casual fan or a crazed lunatic like me for our famous Lord Hunkyhair, I challenge you to do one (or more) of the following to show your appreciation!

1 ~ Draw Keefe! Happy, sad, angst, portrait, full-body, whatever you want! But draw Keefe to show out undying love and appreciation for him!
2 ~ Write a story about Keefe! It can be a one-shot, it can be ship related, it can be platonic whatever you want! But it should feature Keefe in some special way.
3 ~ Write a list of all the things you love about our famous Lord Hunkyhair!
4 ~ Write a poem about Keefe!
5 ~ Make an edit of Keefe!
6 ~ Print out a picture of Keefe and worship it!

(Just so you know #6 was a joke don't take that one seriously XD)

These are all just suggestions! If you have any other ideas to show our appreciation to Keefe I'd love to see them!

I'd love to see what you guys do! If you do any of the above and you're comfortable sharing it, I'd love it if you tag me! Let's see if this challenge can go anywhere!"

~Started by alicat4405


1. No

2. {see below}

3. His hair - his snark - his bodyguard (hi Ro!) - his awesomeness - his bravery - his looks - his compassion - his love - his angst - everything & more

4. NO

5. The silver bangs were hard to make and didn't come out how i wanted them... :((


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Keefcat oneshot (aka Keefe and alicat4405):

Keefe was pacing on the dark beach, anxious. Would she come? Would she really make this work? Would she accept

He had been dating Alicat for some time, now. They had interacted plenty, and he was sure he loved her. And that his feelings were returned. He knew Alicat better than her own parents. After all of this, he had finally had the guts to ask her out. To eat. At a restaurant. He knew it was basic, but he had been so nervous...

The instant she said yes was the happiest moment of his life. He had conserved doubts until the end, and was honestly scared she would refuse. She hadn't, and instead assured him she'd never stop loving him.

"Keefe?" His meditations were interrupted by a soft voice, calling his name. He knew this melodious sound better than anyone. It was Alicat. "Keefe, are you there?"


"Where are we going?"

" thought we might go to Atlantis...and I know a restaurant which makes good candlelit dinners...uh...yeah..."

~let's imagine they get there somehow~

Keefe thought back to the moment he had offered his hand to Alicat while they leaped. The look of adoration in her eyes had never been so clear. He was sure she loved him in that moment.

Now, at the small place he had taken her, he gazed at her while she scrolled down the menu. He liked her all right. More than just "liked" her, actually.

"Oh, I think I'm going to take this. You?"

"Alicat, I, er, have something to tell you."

A look of worry spread on her face as he gulped. How would she take this?

"Alicat4405. I've been wanting to say this for a long time. I... I love you."


He was starting to sweat when he saw her move. She was coming towards him and...hugging him? Sure, he didn't mind. But it probably meant she didn't love him back.

Which was why he did not expect it when she pressed her lips onto his.


"Keefe Sencen. I love you and I always have. Now let me finish what I was doing."

He laughed, deepening the kiss. He knew this would last forever.

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