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You: Xueer why did you do this?*tears streaming down your face*

xueer came to you and hug you

Xueer: I am so sorry Y/N. I am really sorry. I was very jealous. You are so good and I am so bad at... everything. Please tell me how can I fix this. Give me any kind of punishment punch me slap me even yell at me but please forgive me.

You were still crying. Kun was in shock so he was still processing things in his head 

You cried for almost 10 to 15 mins. Kun came out of shock and tried to calm you down. Shangguan xi, an xi, and yuxin came and hugged you till you felt better. You calmed down.

For the whole, while you were crying you heard xueer saying sorry

You: xueer I will forgive you but on one condition

Xueer: I'll do anything 

You: You will never do this to anyone again. never and if you have a problem with anyone you say it to their face and solve it rather doing these bad things

xueer: I promise I'll never do it again

You: come here

she came toward you and you both give each other a hug

Yuxin: *Intentional throat clear*

*you turned around*

You: Come here, you three idiots

You pulled the three of the girls into a big hug and you guys hugged for a while

Kun: Okay okay you guys can hug all you want later but we have to practice now

You: Practice well guys!

After the practices, everyone went back to their dorms

Kun: Hey Y/N what's your planning after this stage performance ends?

Y/N: I think I'll probably visit my home for 4-5 days come back and stay as a dance mentor!

Kun: Oh nice. 

Y/N: Oh and don't worry you have a chance with (anyone you ship him with)

Kun; Wait what?! How did you know?

Y/N: *chuckles* I know everything

Kun: Thank you so much 

Y/N: Anytime... I have to go now. I need to catch up with my friends

Kun: Okay bye 

You: Bye

You both left the studio and went your own ways

You went back to your dorm changed into something you always loved to wear

Yuxin's hoodie...Yup you still have it with you... You decided to surprise them at their dorm

You went down and stood in front of their dorm well it once was also yours. Yu felt kinda nervous while knocking on the door.

Someone opened the door

An chi: *gasp* GUYS Y/N IS HERE!!

The 2 girls sitting inside came to the door

You: can I come in?

Yuxin: Yes ofc *blushing*

you went inside 

You guys started talking to each other catching up on things and stuff becuz you were away

yuxin: You know I choose Miss you 3000 in the 2nd stage performance becuz I wanted to see you so much

You: Aww I am so sorry

Yuxin: It's okay......Hey isn't that my hoodie I gave you that night on the rooftop


Yuxin*blushing intensifies*

You: *already a tomato*

You: I even made a song about it

Shangguan xi: Wait what really?!?!

An chi: we wanna hear it

You: sure

(ignore the line cigarette burns)

Shangguan xi: I think we should give these lovebirds some space

An chi: yea ikr

*they went out even before you could say anything*

yuxin: T-Thanks for making the song about the hoodie

You: It was just some o-of m-my feelings. N-nothing much

She suddenly came and sat beside you

Yuxin: Listen Y/N I have to get this off my chest. Since the day you came in my life I had fallen yes, in the beginning, I hadn't realized that but as time went by I fell deeper and deeper for you. You just make me so happy comfortable and around you, I can act anyhow and you won't judge me. You are just perfect, you are kind, caring just the most perfect girl I have ever found. I know in the past I treated you wrong but I didn't have any other choice so now I want to know. 

She stood you up and kneeled down on one knee with a beautiful bracelet in her hand 

Yuxin: Will you be my girlfriend?

You were shocked so you didn't say anything

Yuxin: It's okay if you don-

You pulled her into a kiss

After straight 30 seconds, she broke the kiss with a smirk

Yuxin: So that is a yes baby girl?

You: Yes you dummy 

You both kissed again

You: You even stole my first kiss

Yuxin: And you stole mine

An chi and shangguan xi clapping

You both turned around

You: What the f**k you both?

Yuxin didn't put her hand away from your waist preventing you to hit 

Shangguan xi: Whens the wedding?!?!?!

An chi: I swear if you don't invite us!!

Yuxin: All 109 trainees along with the mentors will be invited to our wedding

And that made you blush like you never blushed before

But will this story of yours have a happy ending??


                                         to be continued


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