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taehyung didn't have money himself, and zelo's "hospital" bills were not cheap, but seokjin was plenty prepared to fork over thousands of dollars if it meant taehyung could recover. the bullet nearly clipped his fucking heart; he needed more than a couple of days in zelo's hospital.

"you're stressed out." yoongi said, sitting himself beside seokjin. the two of them were beside jungkook's bed. he'd just gotten a few bullets taken out and his ribs were all taken care of. he was resting. he'd been resting for a good two hours.

"it's my fault." seokjin said. he leaned forward and ghosted his fingers over the back of jungkook's hand. his skin was cold, but he felt so soft, and seokjin wondered why he hadn't noticed jungkook was so fragile before. "I made him join and then...."

"it's not your fault." yoongi said, and he probably would have put his hand on seokjin's shoulder had he been able to move his shoulder. yoongi didn't know anything; he didn't know that seokjin had set them up, that seokjin had been the one to lead taehyung's father to jungkook in hopes jungkook would die. yoongi was so clueless.

jungkook woke up a full two hours before taehyung did; he woke up just as taehyung had fallen asleep. jungkook was practically bouncing in his provided bed for the two hours taehyung slept, all antsy and begging to see the older boy, to see if he was alright. yoongi, even with his shoulder achy and wrapped in bandages, held jungkook's hand until the two of them were allowed to go to taehyung's room. (zelo's nurses recommended that jungkook stay in bed, but because it wasn't being forced, jungkook leaned on hoseok and they went to taehyung's room together.)

"jungkook." taehyung sobbed, all dry and pained, as soon as he saw the younger boy. jungkook shuffled over to him as quick as he could, face contorted in pain, and threw his arms around the older boy. taehyung sobbed again. "thank fucking god you're okay- the last time I saw you you were bleeding and crying and, shit, jungkook, your ribs are broken, what are you even doing in here-"

"I had to see you. nobody told me if you were okay or not." jungkook whispered. he had tears in his eyes, and his voice was cracking almost as much as taehyung's. taehyung smiled fondly, but his voice was firm as he said, "you should be in bed."

jungkook opened his mouth to protest, to say that he wanted to stay, when taehyung began shifted. he grunted and hissed in pain, but he eventually moved over enough that jungkook could lay on the bed with him. he pulled jungkook down, soft and gentle and sweet, until jungkook was wrapped up in blankets and leaning against taehyung's good shoulder.

"much better." taehyung whispered when they were settled. he kissed jungkook's temple. "now you have to stay here until you get better, because I'm not letting you move with those ribs."

"okay." jungkook agreed.

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