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// grammatical errors ahead \\
// typos also \\

The two lovers were sitting in front of their mother, waiting for their father to come. Taehyung sighed nervously and but his lips. Jin kept staring at them making the two uncomfortable and nervous.

The older wanted to hold tae's hands, but their mom was their so he couldn't. After some minutes, Namjoon came down from upstairs and sat with his family.

The father of the family sighed and looked at them. "What's all over the news?" He asked.

Tae looked down while kook looked at him. The older knew Tae was scared and nervous so he decided that he'll be the one to answer.

"Uhm, yeah it's about me and Taehyung dating." Jungkook looked away.

"So you guys are really together?" Jin asked.

"I know we shouldn't do this but I love him with all of my heart so please kindly understand it." Jungkook looked at the seriously with a pleading eyes also.

"You two know what will other people say right?" Namjoon started to raise his eyebrows.

"But dad, we don't care what other people say and the important thing is we love each other." Kook started raising his voice, knowing that their parents might not agree.

"But it can affect to our company, Jungkook!" Joonie yelled.

"I don't care! Fuck that company and do all those bullshits but I will not break up with him!" The eldest of the two married couple began to comfort the younger one who was already crying.

Their father sighed while closing his eyes and looked at the two dead seriously. "You two, must to break up right now."

"But honey-"

"You two must break up right now. Here, in front of me." Joon was getting angry as he ignored his wife's words.

"No! THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN!" Jungkook screamed as his tears were rolling down to his cheeks.

"FINE! That's what you want then? Sure! Taehyung will marry a full blooded alpha guy in the next few weeks." Namjoon smirked.

"YOU WONT!" Kook protested.


"SHUT UP!!! I MIGHT BE PREGNANT WITH JUNGKOOK'S BABY! AND I'LL NEVER MARRY SOMEONE UNLESS ITS HIM!" Taehyung yelled so loud as he pointed his boyfriend and he was also crying hard.

Their parents looked at them with wide eyes, breathing heavily as they were shook as fuck. Tae quickly hugged the older and cried into his chest.

"Please d-don't leave m-me. You p-ppromised me you'll support m-m-me no matter w-what and you'll be o-on my s-side always" he was stuttering so bad because so he couldn't talk cause he was crying so hard.

Jungkook hugged the younger one and caressed his hair as he comforts him. "Sh baby, I won't leave you. I'll be right here by your side always. I promise."

"T-t-taehyung ah? Is this t-true?" Seokjin asked Unbelievably.

Tae sniffed first and looked into his mom's eyes. "Yes, I-i'm sorry" then he looked down.

Their mom stood up and walked towards him. He kneeled down in front of Taehyung and put his hands of his youngest son's face.

"If you a-are pregnant, congratulations m-my baby. M-Mom is still p-proud of you a-and will s-support you. I love you always m-my princess" then he kissed Taehyung's forehead.

Tae started tearing up again, feeling so happy and blessed having such a mom like him. He hugged his mom so tight and cried into his neck.

"M-m-mommy, I l-love y-y-you" taehyung was starting to choke since he was crying so hard.

"sh, calm down now m-my baby. You won't marry someone unless it's Jungkook" Jin smiled as he let his hands pick Tae's face up and make him look directly to him.

"W-what?" The youngest was confused.

"We were only testing you two if you both really love each other. In fact, we already knew that you two will be in a relationship, you two are really obvious." Their father stood up and giggled and smiled.

Taehyung smiled to his father and made his way to him. He hugged his dad so tight. "Thank you dad." He smiled.

"No problem my princess." He answered back while smiling, showing his dimple.

Jungkook stood up and walked to his boyfriend and father. "Thank you" he smiled.

"You're welcome my son. And also, I'm so proud of you. You did a great job on protecting him, I know you'll be an amazing man someday. Keep it up my bud, you'll be also an amazing father soon" Namjoon said proudly to his son.

"Thank you dad. It's also because you took care of me behalf of my mom and teach me everything what's right when I do something wrong" he smiled softly.

They all did a group hug. After a while, the two decided to go upstairs and cuddle at Taehyung's room. They both laid down and cuddled each other.

"You know what? I'm so luck to have parents like them, (please adopt me, I also want to experience something like that.. jk back to story) they so kind, and our cousins and friends also. And of course, especially you, I love you." The younger giggled and gave a peck on his lover's lips.

"Yeah, we're so luck to have them. And thank god that he created you. How gorgeous a beautiful you are. I love you so much"

"You silly, everyone in this world are the same. So you're also gorgeous and beautiful. And hot also" Tae said, whispering the last part.

"I know I am and you are also sexy as hell." The older smirked.

"I knew I've shouldn't said that. I hate you!" Taehyung pouted.

"But it's true! You are so sexy that I can't help to stare at you" Kook shrugged and kissed the younger's pouty lips.

"Whatever" he sighed.

"Can we take take a nap? I'm so tired from crying" Tae added.

"Of course my little baby." Jungkook chuckled.

"Speaking of baby, what if I'm not pregnant? Or maybe I'm not an omega?" He asked consciously to his boyfriend.

"Angel, if you're pregnant, As I said I'll protect and support you no matter what. And if you are not, we can still try again. There's nothing wrong with that." The older said softly and calmly.

"Okay then. Thank you always for being there for me. I love you" he pecked his lover's lips.

"As always my buttercup. I love you too" this time, it's a kiss now.

The kiss was full of love and it was passionate. The two broke the kiss and started to close their eyes as they were slowly falling asleep.


Hi! So first, I wanna say sorry if I have a lot of mistakes in there. I'm so sleepy right now lol and I don't have anything to do than: eat, lay down in bed, use phone and sleep-.- that's my daily routine:/. Anyways, please take care of yourself and be careful always. That's all for today. Bye! I purple you!💜

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