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I blink awake in this room I've been stuck in recently. I don't know why Mr. Peterson thought it was necessary to lock me in this room by myself away from Aaron, but I'm getting really bored. With I sigh I get up and walk over to the door, trying the knob again even though I know it will still be locked. As expected, it doesn't open. I start to walk away when I hear a crash, then a click. My eyes widening, I turn back to the door, surprise stopping me for only a moment as it now opens. In a flash I'm out of the room and looking around, just in time to see a shadow disappearing around a corner. A shadow I recognize.

"Aaron!" I call out, running after him. "Wait!"

I turn the corner where I saw him disappear and nearly bump into him. So he stopped for me.

"Nicky," He speaks before I can say anything to him. "You can leave now."

I stare at him, his words not fully registering for a moment. Leave? Leave the basement? Meaning I can go back home? I can see my family again?

My family that doesn't care.

I shake my head, my hope dying faster than it had sprung up. He had also said "you", not "we." Still shaking my head, I begin, "Aaron-"

"It's not completely open," he interrupted. "You'll still have to work a few things out on your own. But I know you can do it."

"I'm not going to-"

"Nicky!" I'd be frustrated that he keeps interrupting me if it weren't for the almost desperate look in his eyes. "Nicky, trust me."

I try to meet his gaze, but something about it causes me to have to look away. "But why can't you come with me?" I ask quietly.

"This has to be just you," he says somewhat evasively. "But . . . I'll see you on the other side."

Wait. "You are leaving?" I look back up at him.

He doesn't answer, only giving me a small smile before turning and walking away, quickly disappearing into the shadows. Something about his smile seemed off, though. . . .

After a few moments I tentatively try to follow where he went, but find myself at a dead end. Confused, I turn around and walk back to where we were, and see what almost seems to be a path leading in the opposite direction.

"Is this a good idea?" I ask myself. I've always insisted I won't leave without Aaron. But he said he would meet me out there. I cautiously follow the path in front of me, and find that it's actually quite short, leading to a vent, which opens easily. Hesitantly, I climb inside and follow it. At one point it starts getting lighter, as if daylight is finding a way in. It's a stark contrast from the sparse artificial lighting of the basement.

It isn't long before the vent ends and I come to a sort of ladder leading up to the basement's double-doored exit leading outside. "No way. There's no way." Disbelievingly, I climb up to the doors and push gently, flinching as bright daylight streams in when they start to open. Once more I hesitate, debating with myself . . . but in the end, I open the doors completely and breathe the fresh air for the first time in forever; sure that this is the right choice.

Because Aaron wouldn't lie to me.


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