Season change, They can't stay the same.

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"While youre out here doing shows and and all that other bulls*** im pregneant",Honestly I wasn't listening to a word she was saying but, when she made that statmment I instanly felt my world crumbling down.  who is she? and how did  I get here you might ask. Well, it all started sixteen years ago but, I dont have time to tell you that story. lets go back six months ago.

I woke up to the the alarm clock buzzing, thinking I had more time, I reluctantly got outv'e the bed. I put my contacts in and glanced at the clock . EIGHT-THIRTY! This was the exact time the bus usually pulled-up. I quickly dressed and ran out the door with my tootbrush in my hand. Once I started the walk to the bustop I notice the bus wasn't there. "thank God that man's late" I said with a smile. As soon as I finished my sentence the bus rapidly pulled up.  I started runnIng but it was to late, I ran

down the street and halfway in to the next subdivison and, i still missed the bus. Bruh! I yelled as I turn around.Till this day I think that bus driver saw me and still chose to keep rolling. I got angry again just standing at the front door thinking about what my 'ma was going to say this this time."I told you wake up. Youre just determined to do what you wanna do huh"?As reached in my pocket for my keys the door opened. Standing at the door was 'ma she had this bewildered look on her face. we stood at the front door staring at eachother. eventually She said ''Did you miss the bus"  Yeah, I woke up late i said, still trying to figure her facial expression out. Get in the car she mumbled. The car ride was akward. Ma was listening to Hurman Caine rant about Obama being the worst president since Nixon. "Amercia is on a donwward spiral" he kept saying. soon she got tired of hearing that bull. She turned the radio to the gospel station. The walls group was on. ''can you turn that up'  I asked.   She hesitatily did so. Just as the voulome went up the song went off. All i heard was a dude with a weird voice saying "That was the walls group.and ther having a benifit concert for with  kendrick lamar, young thug, and school boy q !?" The dj sounded as surprised as i was. "What a contridicton" i thought. '' We living in the last days son. Mixing the CHURCH with WORLD."  'Ma said as she pulled in front of the school. I couldn't  help but laugh becuase my  'ma dosent usuallly make outburst like that. Pops is usually the one being all extra holy but with him being outv've town preaching I  guess she was filling his place. "Bye boy  pay attention and learn something thats why your'e here" said 'Ma.

I waved and started heading towards the school door. As i was walking I noticed 'Ma had stuck her head out the window and was waving her arms. I turned around to get a clear veiw of her. she started yelling" FAITHFULNESS, FAITHFULLNESS CHILDREN, FAITH-FULL-NESSSSSSS! JUST    HOLD ON TO GOD. FAITHFULLNESS''  I can truly say that this was the most embarrising day of my life. People wer laughing  and honking their horns. 'Ma was holding up traffic in the school parking lot. People were yelling at her. She didnt care. Ma had left the building '' Oh so y'all not gonna help me praise the lord? thats fine c'mon son help me praise him." I stood there in dis belif i could n't belive my mom was  axtually doing this to me. then it got even worse when she was about to give the car. The people behind here were started cussing at her. Ihad to do somthing. I quickly ran to the car. Ma what are doing" I asked. "Son they just don't  what the lord has done for me. thats ok cause seasons gotta change.They cant stay the same!"she said with dissaapointment in her eye. I insisted that she go home. Eventually, she got in the car and went home. I called my older sister  Kandace  to make sure that, she was there when 'Ma came home.  That whole day I couldn't stop thinking about what happen this morning ,   "seasons gotta change?" I thought to myself.

Until 5th peridod when Andrea walked in . In my opinion she was the *baddest* girl at my school and not only did she have the body,  but she has a genunie perssonality. She had it all and, (she could get it all too !). I knew from the first time i saw her we were meant to be together but, I also knew that we proabably would never be together. Its not that I was doubting myself. I just know how the game works. The gorgeous  girls  always end up with a football or basketball palyer who mistreats them and sees them as nothing more than a trophy. This is because they'd rather be with somone who can physically handle them but not emotinally handle them.  Im not saying all athletes are retarted and im denfintily not saying all average guys are weak. Because im average. But back to the story, Me and Andrea would flirt the entire class. Thats as far as it got though. Occasionally, somebody would notice that were talking and say somthing stupid like ' I see you dre." or "King you coming up in the world" That usually made the conversation akward for her. I felt like my 5th period was full of c***blockers . People who arent with anybody who try to down you when your'e getting play. I knew it was better I shine later then now anyway. My day was coming.

When I got home, Kandace was ther with my nephew Maurice, She said  She had tooken 'ma to the doctors. " They said she was having a side affect to the medicine she takes for back pain" Candace said. "Thats was caused her to watse those peoples time in the drop-off at my school?" I asked''  "Yeah, it cause her to hallucinate." Kandice said with a chuckle. I couldnt say anything else. "Iim about to pick up her medicine from CVS. She's  sleep dont piss her off, she tired" Kandice said . ''Aiight bruh, i said as i started the steps. "Oh im leaving Maurice here i'LL be right back" she asserted as she closed the door. " You alright ?" i yelled down the banester. "Yeah im watching teen titans" he said. "cool"  I said to myself as i walked into my room. Turned on the radio and chilled 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2014 ⏰

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