"Who's My Father?"

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"Mumster?" I ask, more for boredom's sake than with any real plan in mind.

"Yes, Ferris?" she says without looking up from her crossword. It's an easy one, and she's going through it like a hot meal. The last words were Hudson, Gamma and Ante. Still, Mumster shouted them out in triumph as if she'd just filled in Persnickety.

"Who's my father?"

As I said, I hadn't planned on asking this. My father, wherever and whatever and whoever he might be is very little on my mind. I am completely happy with Mumster. We don't need anybody else.

"I don't know, Ferris," she says, already annoyed, even though I've barely started.

"You don't know?"

"I can't remember."

"You can't remember?"

She looks up from her magazine.

"Are you going to repeat everything I say?"

I swallow the temptation to do so.

"I just think it is strange that you don't know or remember. I mean, how many men did you have sex with?" I stumble over the s-word, and maybe I'm blushing.

Mumster has the audacity to look amused.

"Ferris, do you want to talk about the birds and the bees?"

"No, I want to know why I'm like this."

"I love you just the way you are. I wouldn't want you to be any other way." She winks at me. "Except maybe your smelly socks."

That's the Mumster for you. Always deflecting with jokes. But this time, I just don't believe her.

"Nobody else loves me the way I am."

"You don't need anybody else but me."

She says it with conviction, but if she really believes that, she is stupid. And Mumster is anything but stupid.

"Was my father a werewolf?"

Now, she looks cross.

"First, you accuse me of being a slut, and now you say I'm the kind of woman who would go with a werewolf ? What do you think of me?"

She looks genuinely upset. I can't help but smile all over my face. Now, I got her!


"What, hah?"

She still hasn't realized her mistake.

"You just admitted it. You don't like werewolves, either. You wouldn't go with one."

I whoop with glee.

"Congratulations, Ferris," Mumster says sourly. "You got one over me. Are you happy now?"

Indeed, I am. I caught Mumster in a lie.

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