Chapter 1: Break Up

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   I'm here sitting on a park bench; looking towards the sky and trying to forget. "Forget forget forget...," my mind keeps telling me, but I just can't.

I feel nauseous, confused, angry, and so many more emotions to where I just feel like I'm an overflowing sink. "I can't believe he did that, I can't believe he did that, I can't believe he did that!" "I'm through with this shit, I've given him too many chances and all he does is repeat his so called "mistake." I don't know if I'm losing my mind, but I just don't get it. Is Daniel pissed at me because I wouldn't give him my virginity over the summer?, is he disappointed in me because I told him girls interest me more than guys?, is he upset because I am not a total priss or girly girl for him? I don't know.

Daniel is a popular guy in school, but I didn't agree to date him because of it. At first, he was nice, chill, and romantic, which I loved that side, but something happened over the two years being together that just made him change. I ended things with him, but I still want to know why he kept cheating on me.

"Hey Sam," I heard a familiar voice say. I looked to the side, and saw my friend, Nicole, walking her dog, Sugar.

"Hey Nikki," I responded. "Hi Sugar," I said with a childish tone. I need this. Nicole helps me forget things just by me talking to her. She is the friend I come to for EVERYTHING. We've been friends since the middle of first grade and I know for a fact I can trust her. She has known pretty much all my secrets by now, including me being bisexual, but mostly attracted to girls though.

"'s mister "uptight" boyfriend?"

"I don't know, I just want to forget about him."

"That bad, huh... made another, so called, "mistake" again?"

"Yeah, it's just he has done this nine times since we came back from summer and I've had enough of his shit, I just want to forget him so I can live in peace, since I broke up with him today."

"I understand you Sam, just know my shoulder is always free for you to shed a tear.

  "I know," I said to her, unsure. Sugar licks my face and when she does that, it makes me feel better and I just can't stay sad when that cute little face is around me. I will be honest when I tell you, I had feelings for Nicole once, but the feelings died down long before she told me she was a Lesbian, but that was in seventh grade and now we are Seniors in high school.

I plan on going to Los Angeles to get a degree in film-making. Nicole, on the other hand, wants a doctorate degree and become a nurse, vet, or therapist of some sort, she still hasn't figured it out yet. We walk back near our neighborhood from the park and continue to talk, things not dealing with Daniel.

                                                            〜♡ ♡ ♡〜

I lie down on my bed and think about what to do now. Should I read? Draw? Listen to music? I don't know. I'm like that sometimes, I am a very indecisive person, so I typically roll with the punches. I think about calling Nicole, but we just talked a few hours ago and I don't wanna sound desperate.

"Dinner's ready!," I hear my mom shout from downstairs. I don't really feel hungry, but on the other hand I am.

"Coming mom!," I shout back as I put my gray hoodie on and start to tread downstairs. By the time I reach downstairs, my mom and my sister and brother are already sitting down at the dining table waiting for me. "Sorry I came down a little late," I say hesitantly.

"It's alright dear, just eat and then we can watch a family movie in the living room later."

"Okay," I say normally. I look and see the twins. Matching like always, never a day you don't see them twining. Everyone is quiet at the dinner table, so I took a chance into easing my way to tell my mom what happened earlier. "So mom...," I start.

"Yes Sam?," she says in her calm and understandable tone.

"Today I broke up with Daniel...," I say slowly but a little confidently as if I was proud. Which in fact I was proud.

"I'm proud of you sweetie," she said delicately. "I knew he wasn't right after he cheated on you with that random girl from Junior Prom."

I never told my mom about the other eight times he cheated because she would just end up cutting his dick off, which in fact, I don't mind 'cause he really needs to learn to keep his dick in his pants. "Yeah, I'm proud of myself too."

Soon enough dinner was over and my mom mom tucked the twins in bed. I lied on the couch with one of my legs dangling off of it. My mom soon came back down stairs and she sat in the comfy chair next to me. She hits my foot with a pillow then starts listing movies that we could possibly watch. I told her to pick whatever cause honestly I wanted to sleep. Once she pressed play on the movie, I cuddled with a fluffy pillow and started to doze off in the first twenty minutes.

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