Playing in the Snow

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*You put on your winter clothing and ran out into the snow with Grillby trailing not to far behind.

*You start building a fort in the snowy area.

*Grillby teases you for getting snow in your hair.

*You both start throwing snow balls at each other in a playful way.

*Sans walks out of his house and gets a snowball into the eyesocket.

*You apoligize to Sans but end up getting snowed in the gut in the process from Undyne.

"I couldn't let you two have all the fun FUHUHUHUHU"

*It soon became couples against other couples.

*Sans and Papyrus joined as a brothers team.

*When you finished the snowball fight you started building snow creatures.

"-and finished with my snow sans."

*Papyrus and Sans had already finished their snow versions of themselves.

*Sans just created a lump with his name on it.

*You finished the snow version of yourself soon after.

*Grillby finished his and Undyne finnished both hers and Alphys.

*Alphys walked over too Undyne and took enititive to kiss her on the lips.

*They soon had to leave for 'Personal Reasons' however everyone knew they were gonna get little fish baby's.

*You and Grillby soon went inside and he made you some hot chocolate.

*You enjoyed resting with the hot chocolate and snuggling with Grillby.

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