Chapter 4

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Felix was still in shock it was now 6pm and he was still trying to process what Changbin has told him.

A part of him felt disgusted but not at his Binnie, at Bin's  parents. He always hated Bin's parents but he couldn't fully hate them as they gave birth to him and without them he wouldn't have a Binnie in his life.


'Hey, good morning' Bin whispered. He was shaking he wanted to tell Felix the truth no matter what happens but no one knew except his current parents and his social worker.

Felix was friends with him since, since well when he was born basically. He knew that his parents abused him but he never knew the reason why they were finally separated and why Bin loathed them so much.

'Let's talk he said' Felix carefully said watching his word. The sat down in the living room and then Changbin told him everything. He was r*ped by his father and his mother knew. She laughed it off. She called him weak and said he was pathetic as he couldn't take a little f***. He was only 11 at the time and he was adopted when he was 12. At the time Chan was 25 and Minho was 24. Ever since then he was scared. His mum also attempted but luckily he managed to sneakily call the police in time.

Felix was about to say something when they heard a knock on the door. They opened it to see a very worried Chan.
Felix remembered he had called him in the morning as he was worried about Bin.

Chan packed up all his Bin's stuff and hugged and thanked Felix for taking care of him all day. He was really truly thankful but he was in a rush as he left Minho home alone he still hadn't woke up and it was 2:30pm. He was worried about Bin as well but he knew that Bin would only stress more if Chan focused on him and not Papa Min.

*back to current time*

Felix felt a hole in his heart. He wanted to comfort and be there for his Binnie but he knew that it was best if both of them had some time apart to think about things.

A few hours later he got a call from Bin. He hadn't talked to him since so he thought they should talk about it now. However when he picked up the phone Changbin seemed distracted he told Felix that Minho was sick and fainted and now him and Papa Chan were having a talk. He didn't know what was going on as he had never seen Papa Min that sick before and he was confused. It was his first instinct to call Lix. They talked for a bit and then they hung up.

Lix decided that it wasn't the right time to talk about such things so he didn't says anything about it. Bin on the other hand was disappointed. He thought Lix was avoiding the topic because he was disgusted but then again he was talking to him and they seemed normal except the slight awkwardness on their tones


I know I didn't post yesterday but it's because I wanted to post twice today as an Eid special. Hope you enjoy next chap in a bit. Peace ✌️

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