Child of Sun

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Befor they looked back they were near the Troll Village. "I'm sorry bu-ut I guess I don't feel well.." Branch exclaimed and then he ran towards bushes and throw up.

"Ewww..." Poppy said in disgust.

"Eh, he endured it well anyway." Sheman exclaimed.

"What-" Branch tried to ask her while throwing up. "Do you mean?"

"Oh, I mean that teleportation power belongs to Light so you could even split into two parts." Old lady explained.

"That means that I can teleport?" Poppy asked the shaman fascinated looking at her hands. Older troll nodded so pink one focused as much as she could. Then in place where she earlier stood a cloud of white dust appeared. Poppy shown up right next to Branch who just ended throwing up. "Wanna tissue?" Queen turned to pale now troll taking out of her hair a pack of tissues.

"Yeah, thank you.." He muttered in response. After he took one tissue to wipped his mouth she teleported back to the shaman.

"Good job!" She commaned her.

"Why thank you! Nice to know my power." Pink troll said.

"Oh, that's not all! You can also light up your body and blend in with brightened surroundings. You can also share your power as Branch. As every Child of Great Trolls." Shaman explained.

"Wow." Poppy seemed squealed in joy.

"I don't understand one thing. You said that my mother is Sun but we're looking for her daughter." Branch joined their talk, though he was still looking pretty weakly.

"Cause you have your powers from your dad. Your sister got her power from your mother. Oops! I guess I told you her gendered." Shaman corrected herself.

"Okay... So this means I have a sister." Gray troll said confused.

"Oh yeah, and you know her very well..." Old lady was mysterious.

When they were already in the village they notice something horrible. They met village burned in half. It looked also like it was some earthquake in there. The three made terrified faces. Even a shaman.

"Oh, Poppy, thank God!" They saw pretty old, orange troll in crazy, pink hair whit silver highlights all over them, ranning towards them.

"Dad!" Poppy throw herself on him. "What happend here?"

"Let's just say we already know who is Sun's daughter." Peppy smiled at her. "Branch, I think you should check your bunker."

Two younger trolls ran to gray troll's bunker to see what Peppy meant. Pink troll was first. "Branch do you hear that?" She asked him.

"Is it... Sobbing?" Whoever it was they was definitly crying.

Branch opened the trapdoor and they went down the shaft. Poppy followed him cause gray troll didn't let her go first. He was overprotective like always. They entered Branch's bedroom to see Lillow crying on the floor.

"Go away! I don't want to hurt you!" She warned them. The expression of suprise draw on their faces. It might was shocked but it wasn't disappointed look for sure.

"Oh, Lillow.." Branch knelt down by her side. "You would never hurt us and I know about this. Even if you would we know that it would be not cause you wanted it."

Lillow sobbed louder and hugged Branch. "D-did you saw what I've done in the village? I'm a monster!" Gray troll hugged her back stroking her back gently.

"Shush.. Everything will be fine. But we need your help. Will you help us, Child of Sun, my sister?" They slowly broke the hug as Lillow made confused face. Branch explained her everything.

"So my mom names Sun and she's one of the Great Trolls. She gave me those powers and I'm your sister?" Purple troll summarize what Branch told her. "Oh, I almost forgot! Our parents' friend wants to took our powers and some Moron guy is hunting us." She added smiling sarcastically as she stood up shrugging

"More or less." Branch nodded in reply standing back on his feet again.

"I'm Child of Light-" Poppy said.

"I'm Child of Moon-" Gray troll added.

"I'm Child of Sun-" Lillow exclaimed. And then shaman cut in their conversation.

"And Creep is Child of Darkness.." Shaman appeared in door to Branch's bedroom. "I said Creep? I meant Creek." She corrected herself. "Let's say it's true." Then she muttered mostly to herself.

"What?!" The three younger trolls asked.

"And I'm fiveth Great Troll who had to pick up Childrens of others and take care of them. I have powers of every Grate Troll and my name is Spirit." They opened their mouth wiedly at shaman's words. "Oh! I almost forgot! I have a wings." Then from her back jumped two beautiful angel wings.

Lillow and Poppy weren't scared anymore so they came closer to Spirit. "Wow.." Poppy said in fascination. She and the purple troll circled Shaman to get a better look on her wings. "Can I... Touch it?" Lillow asked. Shaman nodded so purple troll reached to wings but somethig stoped her. Blast of wind made her back away from shaman.

"Branch what are you doing?" She was fighting with wind.

"Don't touch it!" He warn her.

"Or what?" She asked him.

"Seriously? I'm not your olde- Oh. Actually I am but nevermind! The point is this is Great Troll and we don't know if she's not working with Darkness." Branch exclaimed.

"Oh please... Why would I need your powers if I have all them?" Spirit asked.

"And that's a good question!" Gray troll yelled.

"Oh calm down Branch.. You trusted her when you didn't know that she's Great Troll." Poppy pointed out while stroking shaman's wings. "See? Nothing wrong's happening." At her words there was an eartquacke.

Everyone looked at Lillow. She just shook her head like and raised her hands in defensive gesture. "It's not me this time!".

The four ran immediately outside. They saw something which they didn't want to see. Creek was in the village but not alone. His mother, Darkness, was there too.

"Give me Children of Moon, Sun and Light or-" She started proud voice.

"Or what?" Branch cut her off. "Are you pardoning us with Moron? We know about your plan and we're prepared." He exclaimed.

"What are you think you doing?!" Poppy whispered to him. She took out of her hair Branch's bow.

"Trust me. I have a plan." He explained.

"Oh yeah? And you think you can fight me with this?" She pointed at Poppy's hands where was a bow.

"Not realy." He show some signs to shaman and she made some wierd sounds which was some sort of call.

Every single Great Troll shown up in Troll Village. Light, Sun and even Moon. And the fight just started...

Heyo! I know I didn't publish any chapters since some time but I had too many things on my head and I just had no time to make a new chapter. I hope you'll forgive me.


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