Theresa's POV 두번째부분 (Part 2)

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"GO!GO!GO!GO!" The school chanted for Herry and Atlanta having their arm wrestle again.I rolled my eyes at their childness but couldn't hold back a smile of my own. "Theresa!" Atlanta called. "Hm? Yeah?" "I think-," Her voice started to strain as she let out a desperate cry of help. "Haha," Herry said, his voice straining, too. "Too much, Lanta?!" He laughed at her and his arm was throbbing. I wanted to cheer, but they looked her. "GAH!!!" Atlanta yelled, sweat dripping down her chin. "Gah---!!!! Jay needs you!" She was breathing heavily as she held her muscle. I walked outside and I saw Jay.

Under the tree.

With another girl. She looked Asian and had a fair tan, small hips, and not a big chest. She wore large square black glasses, and had thick, long shining locks of black and brown hair. They were crunched together and laughing.


"Jay," She said in a soothing bell voice. "I love you." I thought he would push her away and say, "We can be friends." But no. He had to hug her then kiss her light, rosy lips. I despised girls like that. She looked like she tried too hard.

I stare at them for awhile and I cross my arms over my stomach, scowling at her. She loomed beautiful, but how can he like a girl he just met over me, a girl who has fought with him? I still remeber what Atlanta said:

"Guys are dicks. Don't let them control your emotions, that means they won the battle. Girls are tougher. Show them in a talent."

"Jay! I said, running over to him. He and the girl looked at me and he grabbed her hand. "Thanks that you came. Pyeong-on, this is my friend, Theresa. Theresa, this is my girlfriend, Pyeong-on." I snorted inwardly when he said 'friend', but it kinda hurt. I mean, he's not as special as you think he is, but he is a best friend.

"Hello." Pyeong-on said, softly. "I hope we'll be good friends. Jay told me that you have other friends I should meet?" I snuck a look at Jay and groaned. "Thank you." I hated her. She looked perfect and had a tall figure, and her eyes were crystal blue. Man, she's pretty but I deserve Jay, not some Korean mess! "Here, I'll show you OUR friends," I said through gritted teeth. Jay said a thanks, but I pushed it. Pyeong-on's hips and hair were swaying as she walked, her black heels cliking through the hallways. "Is it always this vacant?" She murmured. "Of course not." I said, hiding a scowl.

"Why are you so sour to me? What did I ever do to cause this?" She turned her head to face mine and I turned my heels to look at her back. "Look, Jay has unbelievable powers you can begin to imagine. I suggest you BACK OFF!" My voiced echoed through the hallways and she fell when I pushed her. "Theresa..." She whined. "Stop it. Don't call me that. Stay away from Jay before you get hurt." She tied her slick, black hair up and pushed her bangs out her face, removing her sweatshirt, dropping it on the floor and taking a fighting pose. No way. Were we going to fight? For JAY? I was too angry to back out, so I took a pose, too." "CAT FIGHT!!!" A guy said, and we were both shrouded with cheers and money. "STOP! STOP! STOP!" Jay said, pulling Pyeong-on close to him buff chest. "Theresa... I thoufht you were ok with it." "Jay---" "No. Now I know you're a jealous cat." "Jay, you know that's not true!" I laughed. "No, it is. Sorry, Theresa."

WOOO!!!! Lots of stuff in ONE part!!!! Don't forger to comment! Sorry for the typos. Auf Wiedersehen!!!!

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