Chapter Twenty-One

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Dear Harry,

Happy Yule! I hope you're having a fantastic holiday, father tells me that the Hogwarts decorations are always amazing- not as brilliant as the Malfoy Yule Ball's naturally, but those balls are always full of stuffy wixen and prissy pureblood girls trying to get into a betrothal contract with an eligible scion. Parkinson used to be so fun at these festivities but even she's become obsessed with marriage. She's eleven! Besides, who'd want to marry her? I certainly wouldn't.

Thank You for your gift! I had no idea that muggles had such advanced writing equipment, I thought they all used quills like the rest of us, but these p̶o̶n̶s pens are brilliant! There aren't any inkpots to knock over, and these fancy pen lids don't have the same problem of self-inking quills, which stain everything if you're not careful. I also adore the beautiful journal you got me, but honestly, your house pride is worse than mine, and Malfoys have been Slytherin for countless generations.

Eagerly awaiting your reply,

Draco Lucius Malfoy,

Heir to the ancient and most noble house of Malfoy.


Dear Harry,

Merry Christmas! I hope you had good company in Padma and Neville, and enjoy reading the books I sent! They're my personal favourites so if you want any more book recommendations I'd be happy to send you a list! (Well I might anyway) I really appreciate the books on the sacred 28 and wizarding politics, they go really well with Padma's books on wizarding etiquette- did you plan that? Anyway, my parents really want to meet you after all the stories I've told about you, so perhaps you could come over during the summer! We're trying to get our house connected to the floo network like Neville suggested, but it's rather awkward since muggle houses these days don't usually have fireplaces, just little radiators. Maybe we could say we're just old fashioned.

Anyway! I hope this letter finds you well, and Professor Snape isn't giving you a hard time over Christmas of all times! I know he's been better recently but still, his attitude was appalling!


Hermione x


To Headmaster Albus Dumbledore,

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,

Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

It is with regret that Gringotts bank must inform you that your access to the Potter vaults has been rescinded with the approval of one Harry James Potter. This includes the return of 3,246 galleons, the Potter family grimoire and the Potter family silverware. It has been noted by Ironclaw, chief overseer of the Potter accounts, that the Potter family cloak of invisibility, previously owned by the late Lord Potter has been returned to Harry James Potter on the 25th of December 1991.


Ironclaw, clansmen of the silvertongue warriors, chief overseer of the Potter accounts.  

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