With Only Memories of You

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  Eijiro was first to wake. He had to pee but was not going anywhere. Katsuki had rolled into him and clutched onto his chest. Eijiro tried to regain feeling in his fingers, slowly clenching his hand. How long has my arm been asleep?
  Staring at the top of Katsuki's head, he resisted the urge to touch him. Turning to the ceiling, he wondered what it would be like after he woke. Would he regret last night? Would he be loud.. or quiet? Which should concern him more?
Would Katsuki take the lead on what last night meant for them? Should I take lead? -Not give him the chance to think, just confidently kiss him awake, make breakfast.. Make a plan for some semblance of a date?
Just call it.. A good day to go hiking, maybe do some climbing.. We might be sore though.. he rotated his hips slightly. Yeah.
  Raking his face with his free hand he thought, I won't be clingy.

  ..Would I be okay if he just woke up and destroyed my heart? ..Went straight towards Izuku to show off his new moves?
  "That's a pretty face to wake up to." Katsuki called out Eijiro's sourness.
  "Oh, uh.. I uh.. got lost in my thoughts.." Eijiro failed at relaxing his features. "How'd you.. how did you sleep?"
  Katsuki rolled away onto his back, "Fine, I guess." He reached into his pocket to check his phone. Closing out a missed call notification, he checked his texts. Deku hasn't responded.. Going into his voicemails, he listened to an automated reminder about the lease. Tch.
The voicemail was loud on his phone. What is he, deaf? Eijiro could eavesdrop despite himself. He repositioned to sort of close himself up. He was in his bed after all, with no where else to hide. Oh right, I can pee now.
  Scooting carefully to the foot of the bed, he avoided climbing over Katsuki to get up. He went straight to the bathroom mirror and washed his face. Then, to relieve his bladder. Uuf, I really had to go.
  He awkwardly hid in there a little while longer, hoping Katsuki would return to his room. He couldn't wait to plop back down and be alone with his thoughts. At least, the plopping down part was true.
  He worked out a kink in his shoulder as he made it into the kitchen. Erasing the now outdated note, he turned to see his bed still occupied. He poured himself some water then filled Katsuki's water bottle.
  "Thanks." Katsuki drained it in a few gulps. Eijiro began to sit on the edge too, but felt it too confrontational.. so he crawled back in. I guess this is my new designated side of my own bed.. he thought, burying his face into his pillow.
  "Hey.. So uh, what happened last night?"
  Eijiro, who had rested his eyes momentarily, snapped them open just to narrow them. "Are you being funny right now?"
  "Am I?"
  "No." Eijiro swatted him with a pillow.
  "Okay, okay. Listen." Katsuki half smiled then rolled his eyes away.
  Eijiro slung an arm across his face, because that's all he could do - listen.
  "How would you feel about moving out of the city?" Katsuki asked carefully.
  Eijiro's stomach dropped. He was glad his face was covered - he needed to think this one through.
"I like living here, but I can adapt.." He let that marinate a moment before adding, "..But you need to decide soon. I need time to look for a place if you don't want to renew here, or with me.."
  Katsuki furrowed his brows, "You wouldn't stay here?"
Eijiro, hurt that this was what he questioned first, continued with the point: "I wouldn't need all this space.." He gestured towards the open door, "I'd probably look for something more efficient.. cheaper."
  Katsuki really didn't think he'd give up the apartment. They started out together, sure, but they could afford a place like this on their own by now. But wait a minute, why is -he- ready to move on without me?
  Eijiro turned towards the wall. Like I could stay here with only memories of you.


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