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"So I'm going to Alaska huh?"

"Yeah I guess so" Reyna said with a sad smile

"But why does it have to be with her" percy pouted

"Because the gods said so now go get ready"

"But I don't wanna"

All it took was Reyna's glare and Percy shut up.

"This is preposterous the Annabeth girl is a probatio and the praetor is a son of neptune who knows what matter of bad luck they probably made a mistake" octavian shouted

"If you don't shut up now octavian I'm going to torture you that you will beg for tartarus" percy said angrily

Octavian ran off due to fear of being pummeled by percy.

"Who is going to go with you and annabeth, percy" Reyna asked

"I guess I'm going with frank, what do you say frank you wanna come"

Frank nodded "sure"

"Ok be ready by dawn I want to get this quest over as soon as possible".

Next morning

The demigods headed to the Senate for further information on their quest to free death.

"You know the drill drop your weapons before you pass the pomerian line" Terminus ordered

Frank handed in his bow while annabeth dropped her dagger

"What about you praetor I can sense your weapons bring them out before I make you" the god threatened

"Finnneee" percy groaned

Percy brought his dual swords and his katana.

"What about the shield"

"How did you know about that?"

"I can sense it now drop it"

As percy dropped the shield they headed to the Senate to meet the senators.

"Praetor percy you have been given a quest to free death, we have also received information you are to avoid travelling on land-" A senator named Edgar said

"And why is that" percy interrupted

"It was information given to as my mars after yesterday's incident"

"Oh" was the praetors response "So how are we going to get to Alaska"

"By sea or by air either way you should be on your way and you shall be given necessary things for your travels"

And with that the questers left the Senate to think on which mode of travel they were going to use.

"So we are going by sea" percy suggested

"And why is that" frank said

"We can't go by land duh and we can't go by air because Jupiter will strike me down the first chance he gets"

"And why is that " annabeth asked suspiciously

"None of your business Minerva spawn" percy growled

Annabeth took a step back from an angered demigod " my name is Annabeth"

"Does it look like I care"

"You guys should stop and let's go and get a boat" frank shouted

"Fine" percy huffed "lemme go and get something first"

Percy ran to his room to contact Hephaestus for a favour.

"Yo hephaestus I need your help"

"What do you want percy and why do you only call me when you need help with something" hephaestus asked

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2020 ⏰

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