Chapter Four

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As I walk down the alley way I hear foot steps behind me.

You've gotta be kidding me.

I took this way thinking it would be safe... ughhh... rather than being murdered by Bakugou I've ended up being followed by someone.

I start to speed up my walking and the footsteps behind me start to speed up as well... before I know it I'm going into a full sprint.

How long is this alley way!?

Just as that thought comes into my head I hit something and I go flying.

I hit the floor.

"Ow!" I My hand goes straight to my head I turn my body over to see what I tripped over. There's nothing there.

"W-What?" I ask my self...

Where was the person following me... and how did I trip u-

My thoughts get cut off by someone grabbing my collar from behind and lifting me up. My eyes widen and panic starts to take over my body...

I go to use my quirk.

"Ahaha... don't try it princess." The person pulls out a gun and puts it to my neck. "You try and use your quirk this gun will be shot" the voice sounds like it belongs to a male...

"A-Are you alone?" I ask him not knowing completely why I asked him.

A chuckle leaves his mouth.

"Why would you ask something like that?" He awnsers my question with another question.

"J-Just awnser my question please" I say

"No, I'm not" he says just as he says that man walks out from another part of the alley way...

My eyes widen... I gulp.

The other person walks over to me. He grips my chin.

"Ahh finally we've got her. I wonder how your mother is gonna react to this.
Poor (Y/n) terrified." He chuckles clearly seeing the beads of sweat that have formed on my forehead.

"W-what are you g-going to do with my m-mum!?" I say trying to stop my stuttering but I fail..

"She owes us something. Something very precious to us" he says letting go of my chin.

"But for now... let's have a little fun with you." He says. I can't see his face but I can tell his defiantly smirking. My eyes widen in terror.

"N-No... you can't...please.... don't hurt me... Plea-" I get cut off by the man in front of me slapping me....

"Do what you need to..." he says walking off. The man behind me takes the gun from my neck

I then feel a sudden pain rush through my body.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2020 ⏰

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