Chapter One

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Everyone that has felt love or been in love has that one person they would do anything to keep. Nothing could get in between them because no matter what, they were there for each other. That perfectly explains Monica and Quincy’s relationship. They were defined as the “It Couple.” No one could break the bond they had. They’d been together all through college and are now married. From the insecurities to the infidelity to the simple disagreements, they stuck together. To everyone on the outside of things, their marriage seemed perfect and that they were inseparable, but behind closed doors things happen. People wouldn’t have any idea of what could have possibly happened.

Monica was a pretty, brown skin girl. About five feet and four inches tall, she’s the quiet girl that everyone wants. Her natural curly hair, so silky and smooth, laid down her back almost touching her butt. She saw Quincy at the school bookstore and fell in love with his appearance. He stood about six feet tall. He was a young, handsome, dark skin student athlete. Very toned and muscular body, he played football and baseball. He had the prettiest of smiles. His teeth were so nice you would have thought he wore braces. He didn’t even notice she existed until one day she accidently on purpose bumped into him and dropped all of her books. We’ll consider that love at first sight after an incident.

When they first started dating, they were in their sophomore year of college. They were literally apart of one another. When people saw Monica, they saw Quincy and vice versa. Quincy would do romantic things like randomly buy her gifts, such as roses, chocolate and jewelry. He believed she was like a queen on her stunning throne. She was impressed more and more by the things he gave her and how he treated her. Attached at the hip, they were what you would call a power couple.

Once they graduated college, they were convinced nothing would ever come in between them to the point of no return. With them being so lovey dovey, they had a big beautiful wedding. This was quite a serene event. Doves flew high. The sun was shining bright. The day itself was just wonderful. No stressing, no drama. There was nothing but tranquility. After they got married, they began looking for a house to move in together. At Eastpointe, there was an exquisite house. It was a huge, blue mansion. It had about seven bedrooms, four full and two half bathrooms, a game room, an indoor swimming pool, and an indoor basketball court. There were no neighbors. There was nothing nearby. They would have been basically isolated from the rest of the human population.

“I love this house. It’s spacious with such a beautiful landscape. I’ve never seen grass this green ever in my life. I can’t help but put a down payment today! What do you think honey?” said Quincy.

“I mean it’s nice and all but what about my family? We’re like on the complete opposite side of the country. I don’t think this is the best location. Can we find anywhere closer?” replied Monica.

“It’s not about them anymore. Just you and me. Haven’t you been around them long enough? They’ll be fine. It’s time to grow up and be on your own.”

“I don’t know. I’ll have to think about.”

Monica loved her parents with all her heart and wouldn’t want to live without them. Her mom was a beautiful brown skin woman about five feet and seven inches tall. Being Egyptian and Native American, she had gorgeous straight hair. Although she seemed very cool and nice, she was the stricter parent of the two. When Monica was younger she received many beatings all happened to be from her mother. Her mom didn’t raise a disrespectful fool or an ignorant child.

Her dad was a high school basketball all-star. He was light skin and stood about six feet and five inches tall. He was mainly African American but had a good 40% of Puerto Rican in him. He was basically the opposite from her mom. He was quite lenient towards what Monica did, but he made sure she always did what was right. He didn’t find it necessary to be so strict on her because her mom was enough. If both of them were strict, he thought that it would either put a lot of stress on Monica or create an unexpected rebel.

Quincy really didn’t understand what the big deal was. He was going to be at least 18 hours away from his own parents. He felt as though they were in the same boat, but she was going to leave him to sink by himself. All he wanted to do was be happy and alone with his significant other. He thought this was the best move, so they can start their own lives and live independently without the opinions of others or negative influences disturbing their once beautiful relationship.

The next day, Monica asked her mom and dad about the move. It wasn’t a walk through the park. It wasn’t a piece of cake. This day was very dark and dreary. It rained basically all day. Maybe the rain was telling her that this was a bad idea. Being in the house didn’t make it any better. The environment seemed very depressing. Monica told her mom about the house and its location. Her mom disagreed completely with the idea.

“Why in the world would he want you all to move so far away from your family? I think y’all should find a more central area to relocate to. Make it easier to get to both your family and his,” said her mom.

“I don’t know. I guess he thinks it’s for the betterment of our relationship.  I understand to an extent because I have always relied on y’all to give me what I need, so―”

“And you have every right to! We are your parents. We’re supposed to support and provide you with things you cannot provide yourself with. He can’t just take you away from us. This isn’t fair.” Her mom begins to break down crying. Her father comforts his wife.

“I didn’t tell you this piece of information to upset you. I just thought I should inform you of my husband’s plans and where they may take us.”

“So you admit that you’re being dragged onto a ride you don’t want to take because you clearly said my husband’s plans. Not our plans. If you don’t want to go, just say no.”

“Sometimes love causes for change, and maybe it’ll be good for us. Dad, you haven’t said anything; do you plan on saying something?”

“No ma’am, no ham, no turkey. It’s not my decision to make. You’re grown, and I know I’ve raised an intelligent daughter.”

Later that evening, Monica went back to her very small and dull apartment to think long and hard about this life changing decision. She wants to be with the love of her life but doesn’t want to upset her mother. She could always talk on the phone and FaceTime her parents. Every few months, she could fly back in town to spend some time with them. She knew her parents would love her regardless of what mistakes she made in life as long as she learned from it.

Monica chose to live with her lovely husband. The first month was the best. They were finally living together. They had a whole mansion to themselves. He was still surprising her with gifts, and pleased her very well too.  Monica began to fall deeply in love with this man. Everything she did revolved around him, but this wasn’t good. Months had passed by. Her loyalty to him easily became slavery, and she wasn’t even aware of it. Quincy realized it and began taking advantage of it. He stopped treating her like his queen on her high pedestal. She didn’t receive any more gifts. He just stopped caring all together.

One night, Quincy came home really late. Monica was very concerned with his well-being. She had been texting and calling him all night and had not received one response back. Quincy walked through the door at 4 a.m.

“Baby, where have you been? I’ve been trying to get in contact with―”

“Don’t ask me where I’ve been! I don’t ask you where you are.”

“I was just a little concerned about you baby, that’s all,” Monica said frighten. She leaned in to kiss him, but he jerked away. “What’s with you? I haven’t done anything to you.”

He was clearly drunk and angry. Her asking questions didn’t help her at all. She just kept adding frustration to his anger. She was rather loud too.

Finally, he snapped. He slapped her so hard across her face. It left a red mark of his hand print.

“What have I told you about questioning me? You aren’t going to be living in the house that I pay for questioning my authority! Do you understand me?”

She thought they were in love. They met by chance and turned into friends. Their destiny kept them close to each other making their friendship grow more with the passing time. Things change as well do people. Monica was so shock. She was speechless. He had never raised his hand to her. She couldn’t believe he really just placed his hand upon her face with such force.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2014 ⏰

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