Religion plays a big part in this, I would say that most of the people who say it's wrong are religious. I would say that love is one of the most amazing and beautiful things in the world. Sharing your feelings with someone else is so relieving. It makes you feel like you matter and it shouldn't matter who is doing it. Man. Woman. Anyone. Love should not be against the law. Everyone should experience love in their life. Don't let anyone stop you from being you. Just because they don't understand doesn't mean they can't understand. If enough people stand up and say that they are ok with anyone getting married we can change the law. We can change minds and we could even change the world. I have seen to many people get discriminated against because of how they feel. We need to start realizing the stuff we say like "fag" or "queer" hurt a lot of people in lots of ways, if we accepted people for who they are the world would be a much better place. Kids wouldn't have to feel pressured into being thin or pretty or even straight. The more we try to change people into what we think is right the more society's image of right changes and just because society says something is right doesn't mean it is. Being stick thin should not be the image of beauty, being kind should be the image of beauty. Being you should be the image of beauty. Overall I think if you want to express your love in a way that can't be broken do it. Don't let anyone stop you. "All you need is love."