Let's get freaky - ◇

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No song, just pure smut, oops.

I was so exited yet so nervous, like wow. A few weeks ago, I had discovered something. Me and Maddy were making out when I pushed her on her back and held her hands over her head while sucking marks on her neck. We left it at that but it was rough and she seemed to she loved it. I was sitting on our bed in my silky robe waiting for her to come home, when I heard the keys turn the lock. I got up and walked to the hallway to 'greet' her.
"Hey babe-", I pushed my lips onto hers, interrupting her. I stepped forward pressing her roughly into a wall while asking with my tongue for permission to slowly slip it inbetween her lips. I earned a quiet moan before she slowly pulled away.
"What was that f-", I quickly picked her up, making her squeak. I walked to our bed room, occasionally pushing her into walls on our way to gain my orientation back. I kicked the door shut and walked to our bed just to literally throw her onto it.
"What are you doing?", she breathed heavily when I reattached my lips to her neck.
"You know - I think it's funny - how people - always think - you're the innocent one - when reality - you like it - rough just - as much as I do", I said between sucking and biting her neck. She was panting heavily and I looked up into her eyes. They were a few shades darker and screamed passion when I pushed her down to hover on top of her. I slowly let my hands travel up, pulling her shirt with them and over her head, leaving her in her bra; it was the one you opened in the front, perfect. I quickly unbuckled her belt and pushed her tight jeans down those long pale legs. I reached over to our night stand and opened the drawer to pull out the cuffs I had hidden in there. Maddys eyes went wide and she gulped while watching my every movement. I grabbed her wrists slowly bringing them over her head before holding them down.
"Is this ok?", I asked, starring into her eyes, looking for any concern.
She nodded her head and streched her arms so I could attach the cuffs to her wrists, the wooden bar in the middle, so she couldn't reach me anymore. I slowly opened her bra and let it fall to the sides to reveal her heavy breathing chest.
"You're so gorgeous ", I lowered my head and attached my lips to her nipple. She gasped and I flicked my tongue over her a few times making her arch her back. I trailed over to her other breast, leaving small kisses on my way, to give the other nipple the same attention. Quiet moans escaped her lips while she pulled on the cuffs to touch me.
"Hm, not tonight baby", I kissed her again, way more slow this time. My hand travelled down her body and reached her panties. I slowly pulled them down as well, leaving her completely naked. It was stunning. Seeing her like that was so hot and I remembered my plan so I quickened my actions again. Reaching in the drawer again I pulled out a vibrator. She looked at me shocked and I grinned at her, this was gonna be so much fun.
I reached down and pulled her folds apart to feel if she was wet enough but she was dripping.
"I was right, you do like it. So wet for me already", I said in a low voice. She shivered and I held the toy up to turn on it's lowest setting. I leaned back up to kiss her deeply and when she was distracted enough I lowered the toy on her clit making her press her chest against mine. She cursed and pulled on her cuffs again but of course couldn't reach me. I smirked while starting to draw small circles with the tip making her shiver under the vibrations.
"F-Faster please", she panted.
"Not yet, and you don't get to tell me what to do tonight, you hear?"
She nodded her head slightly.
"I will need verbal confirmation baby and a safe word"
"I understood and just red?", she rolled up her hips to get more friction.
"Red it is", I smirked before turning up the level of vibration. She bit on her lip to suppress her moans and closed her eyes.
"I wanna hear you baby and open your eyes", she did as she was told and let the hottest noises I have ever heard slip from her lips.
I lowered the toy and kissed my way down from between her breasts over her stomach down. The tip was now teasing her entrance and I saw her abs tensing and relaxing a few times. Slowly I pushed forward and entered her with one inch. I waited for her to adjust and slowly pushed in completely. She let out a loud moan and her whole body tensed up when I kissed her clit and sucked it in my mouth.
"Oh fuck", I looked up to see her roll her eyes and pull on the cuffs jerkily.
The toy in my hands, I began thrusting in and out of her at a slow and steady pace and continued sucking on her clit gently.
Her moaning got louder and her muscles tensed and relaxed unpredictably.
"Baby please", she whined, trying to push herself further onto the toy.
"No no baby I don't think you got it yet. This will not be Vanilla", and with that I turned the volume all the way up. Her legs tried to close around my head and shoulders put I pushed them back open to continue my tongue game while pounding in and out of her a lot faster now.
"Oh god Sky I think I'll-", she got interrupted by her first orgasm shaking her and her own noises of passion escaping her mouth. She slowly came down from her high but I kept the pace and let my lips wander up her body to kiss her harshly again. She moaned in my mouth and I felt her shivering again before arching her back off the bed for the second time. I pulled the toy out and turned it off. I pecked her lips one more time before settling down between her thighs again. Smirkin up at her I lowered myself and took a swipe up her folds with my tongue. I slowly entered her and moaned at the sweet taste surrounding my working tongue.
"I'm too sensitive baby", she whimpered but I started exploring her velvety walls with my tongue causing her to jerk up her hips into my mouth. I placed my hands on her hips to keep her in place before twisting and twirling my tongue probably making her see stars. Her thighs tensed up before they started shaking around my head again and I heard the cuffs almost ripping out the wooden bar. I quickly replaced my tongue with my fingers and curled them up, not wanting her to calm down too quickly.
"I can't, not a-again", she stuttered seemingly disillusioned.
With my fingers inside of her and my thumb on her clit I had one free hand which I brang up to her face. She panted heavily and looked into my eyes pleadingly.
"I want you to cum for me again", I quickened the pace, "Can you do that for me babygirl?"
She nodded her head before giving up any resistance and letting herself melt into my touch. Her legs closed around me and her breath hitched in her throat. I leaned down in her neck, "Cum for me", I whispered before biting down on her pulse point. That must've send her over the edge, because her whole body started shaking, her eyes rolled back once more and her walls tightened around my fingers deliciously.
"Good girl", I pushed back a loose strand of hair behind her ear to get a better view of her. Beautiful.
I kept going at this intense pace until she loudly choked out, "Red, fuck red".
I pulled out and reached for the keys to undo her cuffs. I layed them aside and let myself fall back next to her. She was still trying to catch her breath.
"Are you ok baby?", I smiled.
"Yeah just- give me a minute", she chuckled breathlessly. After some time she turned around on her side wincing while closing her legs. She layed her haed on my shoulder and snuggeled into my neck. I pulled the blanket over us and placed a gentle kiss on her temple.
I turned the light switch and it was completely dark.
"Goodnight angel", I whisperd and chuckled when I heard the light snoring.

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