Goodbye (Johnlock Oneshot)

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(Third Person POV)

"You left me. Three years it's been since you left me. I loved you, but I never got to tell you. When we first met you showed me a domestic life that I thought I'd never get the chance to have. You saved me, pulled all my broken pieces back together. But I never got the chance to save you. Sherlock, I know you can't hear me but this is my chance. This is my way of saying I love you." He whispered, stepping up to the very edge of the tall building.

(Sherlock POV)

Stairs stairs stairs why are there so many stairs hurry up already, John needs me! John.. My John.. No, stay focused, don't trip, you only have a matter of seconds.

Finally! I burst through the door, sunlight scorching my eyes, I didn't care. All I cared about was John. I sprinted towards the edge of the building, attaching a cord to a nearby ventilation shaft as I ran by.

"John!" I yelled, but it was too late, he already started to fall when I felt a surge of adrenaline burst through me, compelling me to explode forwards and leap over the edge of Saint Bartholomew's Hospital after him, grabbing him and holding him tightly as we descended, I felt him wrap his arms around me, knowing he'd made a mistake.

Just before we hit the ground I felt a huge force pull us upwards, thank god I calculated the length of the bungee cord attached to the harness on my back properly. We were flung up and back on top of the building, John landing on me, he was 15 pounds lighter and when he pulled back to see my face I saw his cheeks sunken in, his skin so pale he was nearly white, and when I finally looked into his eyes all I could see was sadness, and betrayal.

"John I-" Ow. A sting on my left cheekbone left from him punching me, and then the feeling of him getting up off the ground made me cringe at the lost contact.

"You left me" He hissed.

I lifted myself up and began detaching the harness and cord from my body.

"I had to, I-"

"For three. Damn. Years. Not a phone call, not an email, not a letter. Nothing."

"I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD, SHERLOCK." I cringed at his harsh tone. He threw his fist at my face, too weak to actually hit me I grabbed his fist, throwing another punch, I took his other hand in mine as he collapsed into tears, leaning into me for support.

"I love you" He whispered so quietly, if not listening properly, one might think it was just the wind

"I love you too" I said, wrapping my arms around him, as if he might go and throw himself off the building if i hadn't.


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