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Sooooooo........... I heard quarantine will end in 2 years....which sucks,So when we arrive there it's possible to be in older grades .And it's possible to see people hugging each other crying and saying"OMG I MISSED YOU SO MUCH HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN IT FEELS LIKE AN ENTIRE LIFESPAN" and I would probably be one of those.Introverts are so lucky to be quarantined cuz their too , you know,anti-outside . That makes no sense at all tho.If school suddenly arrives at your doorstep that would suck,I literally wake up at 10:00 am or sumn .Hi I'm weird and I don't know why I'm writing this....ok,nvm I sorta lost my diary and used this instead . I'm gonna record what's going to happen in my life from now on since I'm stuck in my house. Toodles people.

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