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Y/n could hear someone walking towards her. She quickly turned around to see a man wearing all black with a scarf around his neck walking towards her.

All she could see was her dad in his place, and she started to shake in fear. She couldn't stop herself from yelling for her dad to stop, and she eventually passed out. Luckily, the strange man, caught her before she hit the ground. The man looked at her with wide eyes, before sighing.

Aizawas P.O.V

What the hell happened to this girl... I should bring her home, but I have to teach those brats.... I'll just get Mic to look after her....

"*Sigh* Another day as a hero......"


Y/n's P.O.V

All I could see was F/n's face over his. My whole body was shaking, and I couldn't help but scream. My vision went really blurry, and my legs gave up on me. I felt myself fall, but before I could hit the ground, I was lifted up by the strange man. I heard him mumble something, but before I could comprehend what he said, I was already in a state of unconsciousness, the darkness greeting me with open arms.

1 Hour Later


Ugh... My head hurts....

I opened my eyes only to be blinded by the blaring lights that were surrounding me. I blinked my eyes, trying to get accustomed to the lights, and after a few seconds I did. There were people all around me, but it seemed like they didn't notice I awake. Where am I...? Who are these people?


Everyone's head turned to look at me with wide eyes, until a lady wearing inappropriate things came up to me and started to tell me how cute I was. I wasn't used to compliments like that. That being said, I don't think I have ever gotten a compliment... I looked at her with a confused face.

"You are sooo cute! Just like a little cat!" She told me. She was practically shouting at me, so I started to slowly back away from her. The look of fear on my face probably made her stop talking, because now she was looking at me with a confused face.

"P-Please stop y-yelling miss..." I mumbled to her. She looked back at the people behind her and I think she asked for help, as the faces on the other peoples faces said so. I took a good look at the people that were their, and there were 3 other people, and a.......... is that a mouse?

The first person was really tall, with bright blonde hair, that stood up on the sides. A smile that seemed to never leave his face, even though I stared at him. The second person also had blonde hair, but he was skinnier, and had speakers around him, which I thought was weird. The third person was an old lady. Have I seen her before? She was really short, but the way she was dressed, I could tell she was a nurse. Lastly, a mouse. Or is it a bear? I don't know... It was also really short, and had a scar over its face.

They all looked.... friendly, as a normal person would say it.

"W-Who are you guys...?"

Authors P.O.V

The mouse person cautiously walked up to Y/n, not wanting to scare her. Once he was right in front of her, he started to talk.

"Hello, Ito, my name is Principal Nezu, but you can call me Nezu. I am the principal of U.A High school. Over there is All Might, Present Mic, Recovery Girl, and the one in front of you is Midnight.  We are what the society calls 'hero's'."

Not knowing what hero's were, Y/n looked confused and asked him.

"What are hero's?"

Everyone looked at the girl with shock written across their faces. They were dumbfounded at how this girl didn't know what a hero was. The lady named Recovery girl cleared her throat, causing everyone's attention to fall off the girl and onto her.

"Ito.... do you know what a quirk is" The lady asked Y/n. Y/n shook her head no, and the small shock on their faces was now much bigger, and their eyes were wide.

"Am I supposed to know what it is?" Y/n asked them. Most of them nodded, while some just flat out stared at her. Then suddenly, a loud voice started talking.

"How could you not know what a quirk is! Almost everyone has one!" His booming voice was loud, and Y/n didn't like it. His voice was starting to sound like F/n's and she really didn't like it. She threw her hands over her ears and started to tremble. Present Mic looked at her with pity, as he realized his mistake. Everyone was worried, but got even more worried when she started to cry out and shout.

Midnight tried to calm her down, but that only made Y/n shake even more then she already was, and her voice was getting louder. At this point everyone was freaking out on how they could calm this girl down. Her cries for her dad to stop were getting even louder, and her nails were digging into her skin, making her skin rip and start bleeding. Her cat ears were flat against her head, and her tail was between her legs, as she was scared. Present Mic quickly left to go find someone, whilst everyone was still freaking out.

Aizawa's P.O.V

I was teaching my class as usual, when Mic came bursting through the door. The look of fear, and helplessness was enough to tell me what was going on. I looked back at the class who was looking sceptical.

"Iida, you are in charge until I get back. Don't do anything stupid got it?"

Iida nodded, and I quickly ran out of the room to the teachers lounge, I hope she is okay...

I opened the door to the room, and quickly ran over to the shaking girl. I brought her into my embrace, and started to whisper sweet nothings into her ear. She finally started to calm down, so I tried to let go of the hug, but she held on tight.

"P-Please d-don't leave m-me. N-Not like m-mom..." Her voice was laced with sadness. There is no way I'm leaving her here with a bunch of idiots when it comes to this stuff. I picked her up into my arms, and before I left, I turned to the others into the room.

"I'm taking her with me. Please be a little nicer next time." I told them with a stern voice. After they all nodded to me, I left the room, with a now sleeping, frightened girl.

I swear to god, if any one of those kids makes her scared, I will have along talk with them......

I'm Still Alive? (Bnha x depressed reader)Where stories live. Discover now