the flight to france 🇫🇷

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Eve had just got to her seat when an older lady maybe 60 came and sat next to her, eve smiled and took one last look at her phone and a picture of norah, 'oh shes pretty..that at your lover? The old day asked, eve laighed softly ' I wish...' The old lady smiled 'you know I was in your spot a couple years ago' you look at her 'oh really? Whats your name???' You like atbthe lady wanting to know more. "My names Meredith, and you must be?" Meredith smiles at eve "im eve its so nice to meet you, so why are you heading to france?" You ask her, well my wifes family is there and so is she so im going vist her" eve smiles more "oh! How lovely! How did you met your wife?" Meredith and eve went on talking for hours til meredith finally fell asleep..eve stared out the window longing to see norah...

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