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Candy POV

"Hey candy can I talk to you right quick?" This girl name Kenya asked me. I was finna leave the dance studio go home get sum sleep before going to the club tonight. Me and Kenya are close. She comes by the studio every once in a while not to learn how to work the pole but I'm helping her with dance. Johnny doesn't know about it and I'm trying to keep it that way. He would be pissed plus I do it for free. Hell yeah he would lose his marbles.

"Yeah of course" I said we sat down.

She looked down at her hands.

"I'm pregnant" she said. I sighed.

"What the hell Kenya your 16 you had so much shit planned for you ahead. You could go to school for dancing well not anymore now your just another 16 year old girl living up to that stereotype" I said shaking my head. I wasn't mad just disappointed. I saw myself in her. She has so much talent that she's just gonna have to put on hold. I didn't want her to have to do that.

"I know I know I didn't come here for you to yell at me and tell me how much I fucked up cause trust me I already know I did I just need your advice that's it I need help" she said. I cooled down cause she was right. I know how she feels. I was once her.

"Okay you right I'm sorry does the father know?" I asked. She shook her head no.

"Kenya you gotta tell him and talk about your options" I said. A tear fell from her eye.

"I'm scared he's gonna leave me" she whispered. I pulled her into a hug.

"If he does that just shows his true colors and he a no good piece of shit you don't need any damn way either way if he walks out on you I'm here you are not alone baby girl understand that" I said rubbing circles on her back.

"Thank you candy I don't know what I would do without you" she said.

"Your welcome and you will never know cause ima always be here I'm disappointed but I understand shit happens" I said looking down at her. I love this little girl so much. She's like a little sister to me.

"Thank you but another thing I haven't told my brother either you know how them two don't get along I wanna tell everybody at the same time but I can't do it by myself please can you please come with me?" She asked. I wiped her cheek.

"Of course" I said.


"Please Johnny I won't be out long" I begged. Kenya texted me telling me tonight was the night she wanted to tell everybody. I'm glad cause I haven't heard from her in a week and I thought she forgot.

"No where tf you goin?" He asked. I sighed.

"None of yo damn business"I said and he slapped me.

"Don't fucking talk to me like you crazy take yo ass to yo room you not going no where" he yelled. I got pissed. Kenya is counting on me and whether he say I can leave or not I'm going.

I got up and walked in my room. I waited until it was 9:30 cause I knew he would be going to the trap around this time. I heard the door slam shut and I walked downstairs.

"Where you going ? Johnny know you leaving?" One of the security guards asked me. I don't know who he was he looked new. I rolled my eyes.

"To work now excuse me" I said pushing him out the way. He grabbed me by my hair and threw me on the floor.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Nigga don't you ever pull my hair again" I said getting up. He chuckled.

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