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You wake up to another unknown message. Honestly you were really creeped out, you've never even had a guy like you. Yet here you are with multiple stalkers. You hesitantly open the message, your eyes widen at the message.


Good morning darling
You look stunning when you
are sleep

Excuse me, what?

Aww, no good morning?
That's quite cruel, darling...
Oh well, but yes, you look
stunning when you sleep

How would you know how I look
when I sleep

We saw you ;)
ᴿᵉᵃᵈ ⁸⠘¹⁷ ᴬᴹ

Your eyes widen, wider than earlier which you didn't think was possible. "T-they s-saw me s-sleep..." You stutter with wide eyes. You look around your room and see your open window. Though, you live in the seventh floor... How'd they get into your room...

You let out a shaky sigh and went into the kitchen to eat some breakfast. "Y/n?" Yeonjun asks. "Why do you look so paranoid?" He asks as he furrows his eyebrows. "I-" You start, but honestly, what are you gonna tell him. You have multiple stalkers? No... Then they'll never let you out alone, heck they won't let you out period.

"O-oh, it's nothing. I uh just saw a horror video before going to bed. It's like one of those buzzfeed unsolved or ghost videos. Y'know?" You awkwardly chuckle. Though Yeonjun, of course wasn't convinced. "What actually happened?" He asks in a stern tone making you crack a smile. He really acts like a protective mother, now that you think about it, they all do. They've all treated you like their younger sister or daughter ever since they met you in seventh grade.

"I thin- well I know someone is stalking me." You sigh as you show him your phone. "Y/n... This is insane..." He stares are you with wide eyes. "Why didn't you tell any of us?" His voice raised slightly making you flinch. "W-well it started last night. Though I never though it'd get this bad. I just thought it was just a crazy admirer..." You truthfully say. Honestly, you excepted sweet love notes and stuff. No matter how cliché that sounds, but now it's like your life is a book or movie. You have multiple insane stalkers.

"Y/n... You know what this means, right? We have to take precautions. That means we can't have you out alone except when you go to work. Besides that you have to go out with one of us," Yeonjun sighs. "I'm gonna wake everyone else up, we need to make them aware of the situation we are now in." He sighs before getting up and walking away.


After a few minutes everyone is sat down in the living, more than half of the people are confused about why they're in the living room. "I can tell you guys are confused...but I'll explain. Y/n has someone stalking her..." Yeonjun says, earning numerous gaps throughout the room. "Wait, it can't be that bad, right? We live on the sixth floor..." Rachel says. You sigh. "No, it's bad. They took a picture of me sleeping." You shudder at the thought of the stalkers

"Your kidding?" Rachel asks with wide eyes. You shake your head. "Oh my poor baby, we'll keep you safe." She walks over to you and squeezes your shoulders in reassurance.

This chapter's short but don't worry, the next chapter is much better and longer. At least the plot is up and running. Your friends are now aware that you have stalkers. Do you think your friends know who they are? Who do you think they are? Make sure to comment what you think.Well I guess it's kinda obvious but anyways enjoy the story. I'll try to update as much as I can. If you don't like this chapter I'm sorry, but I didn't want to make the next chapter really long so I decided make a shorter chapter.
Have a great day and happy reading!

Time (Btsxreader) // cover by @brokeanteacup Where stories live. Discover now