Chapter 5 - A Heart to Heart with Coma Boy

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"So how's life in the cave of loneliness?" I rolled my eyes, I knew that voice all too well

"Leo Roth, have you come just to insult me some more?" I sat up on my bed as he and Dash entered my room.

I've been at Ocean Park for almost a month now, things have been pretty mundane. Every week a nurse took my blood, and every week I would hope and pray it wouldn't be another blood transfusion. The only two people who seemed to make this place worthwhile were Leo and Dash, a friendship we had built on insults and bad jokes.

"Ouch, Robin, that hurt" Leo gave me a dramatic look of pain, and placed his hand on his chest "right here."

"Your heart is on the other side, dumbass" I rolled my eyes and closed my journal, which I was currently writing in before they came in

Leo smirked and leaned his crutches against the wall next to my bed, before plopping down next to me,

"Are you aware you have like, no songs from this millennium?" said Dash, who was currently sitting on my dress looking through my records.

"My room, my music" I stated simply, adjusting myself to a more comfortable position.

Dash rolled his eyes and proceeded to flip through my records.

"Why exactly are you guys here?" I asked, sure we hung out on occasion, but they've never actually visited my room. Leo shrugged

"We wanted to see how our favorite person was doing"

"So why aren't you downstairs visiting Ruben?" I smirked and Leo lightly hit my shoulder with his own.

"We're actually going to go see Emma, want to come?" I heard Dash stop fumbling around with my records, obviously this was also news to him

"Emma?" I stuttered, Leo nodded

I had met Emma about two days after I met Leo and Dash. She was a nice girl, cute face, and very smart. The thing was, I don't think she liked me very much. I don't know why, the girl hardly said two words to me, but she just never seemed very fond of me.

"No thanks, I'll pass" I opened up my journal and began writing again. I never used to write in it this much until before I came to the hospital.

Suddenly the book was snatched from my arms.

"Hey!" I tried to reach for it, but Leo held it out of arms reach, damn him for being taller. I leaned forward, desperately trying in vain to get it back.

"Come on, Robin. When was the last time you even left this room?" Leo stretched his arm even farther.

"Yesterday, we had class" I replied in a monotone drawl

"I mean besides that? Come on, do you ever do anything besides sit around, write in your journal and listen to old people music?" I crossed my arms and gave him a pointed look.

"He's got a point though" Dash spoke up

"That is not true, on Friday I went to the gym" Dash snorted and I shot him a glare.

"Look, are you going to come along or not" Leo set my journal down on the bed and stood up, wobbling slightly. He grabbed his crutches and turned to look at me.

"I think I'll just stay" I mumbled, not looking him in the eye. Leo looked me up and down, his brows knit together in confusion. He shook his head and turned to look at Dash

"You coming?" Dash shook his head.

'Nah, I think I'll just hang out here for a while, catch up with you later though" Leo nodded, slightly disappointed, before turning and heading out the door.

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