(Part 1) Arrival of the Pmatga Universe

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In one day, Gloria was resting at home from her work day, while she is relaxing on the couch she goes through her thoughts, all the things that have happened to her lately, of the power that her necklace contains and all that, and what she doesn't feel that all this isn't normal from the beginning of her childhood until now, only that until now she realizes and that it gives her some fear since she didn't want that some moment something dangerous happened to her.

So many questions that fill her head, but unfortunately without any answer, even makes her think if it's good to try to investigate or just leave that to the past and continue with life without getting answers.

While Gloria walks around in her thoughts, was interrupts her thoughts when Hansell comes to her attention.

"Hey girl, I'm talking to you, what are you deaf?"

He said a little annoyed, she doesn't know how many times is called her, but Hansell was trying to call her to let her know the dinner is ready

"Oh sorry!  It's just... I'm sleepy right now and that's why I'm like a zombie.

Gloria said, he really needs some rest, from all the thinking that gives her some sleep.  Although Hansell knows that apart from being sleepy, he feels that something isn't right with her, but I leave those thoughts and trust that only she is sleepy.

"Okay, just come to dinner and then you can go to sleep."

He said with a smile, and went back into the room.

Gloria just gets up and goes into the living room, too.

A few minutes later...

After dinner, Gloria went to her room, and prepared her bed to sleep completely...

Then, suddenly, her necklace begins to glow, little by little it begins to glow more until it opens a portal, inside her room, until it becomes big.

Gloria is awakened for a moment by the glow on her face, and wakes up suddenly when she realizes what is happening.


I yell a little Gloria, not so much to wake the others up, but to express how surprised she was.

She saw the portal for a moment, she'd never seen the portal, the big doubts were going around in her head

What's a portal doing in her room? How did it open? Since when did the portal open? Where does that thing go? Is it safe?

Gloria was so nervous, I didn't know what to do, other than go to Hansell for help. Gloria was about to go with Hansell, but she felt someone push her, and the push was so strong that she accidentally fell right into the portal and disappeared like her and the portal.

 Gloria was about to go with Hansell, but she felt someone push her, and the push was so strong that she accidentally fell right into the portal and disappeared like her and the portal

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