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Nitya's POV

Color drained out of my face hearing his voice. He said that he will call after reaching USA so why the Fuck is he here. If he got the slighetest idea of what we are doing then god know what disaster he will create.

" Actually, I was teling dad what you told me yesterday night about getting married." I lied looking towards him. He was standing few steps away from me. Looking handsome as always. I really hope that he didnt hear our talks before.

" You said that you like him. About whom you were talking Love?" He walked towards me looking directly into my eyes.

" ofcourse you. I like you. I mean I was telling dad that you wanted to marry me and we dont have any option rather doing as you say. Right? So I was telling dad that I am ready for marrying you as I sort of started liking you." I spoke in one breathe. I dont know why I said this bullshit but I dont get anyother lie. He will kill samrat if he come to know that I like him.

He looked into my eyes as searching for the truth.

" Let's go for breakfast." Uh? He said completely changing the subject. 

" Dont you have to go to USA?" I asked.

" My Flight is three hours late so I thought to see you before going." He said

" She wont go anywhere with you." My dad almost yelled. Viraj angrily looked towards him.

" I-i mean before marriage groom and bride are not allowed to meet." My dad said covering his out burst.

" Marriage date is not fixed yet. So I dont seem any problem. And I dont need your permission to meet her or to take her anywhere." He said while gritting his teeth.

" Come on Love Lets go." He said. I immedietly followed him not wanting him to get angry. Just few more hours then this chapter will end forever. I looked towards my dad before going after viraj as assuring him that I will be fine.

I got inside viraj's car as he opened the car door for me with a smile. I smiled and sat inside. The whole car ride was silent we didnt speak anything.

Anxiety rose inside me as I understand that we were driving out of the city. Viraj took a turn. I know where this road heads. It goes towards the forest area. Whare is he talking me now?

" Viraj, where are we going? You said we are going for the breakfast then why are you going towards the forest?" I asked.

" Yes love we are going for the breakfast. Just relax I have planned something for us." He said as he took my hand in his and kissedmy knuckles. I decided to relax. I have my cell phone with me if anything happens.

After 5 min beautiful road came in view. There were trees on both side of the road. There was no chaos of vehicles only sweet chirping of birds and sounds of different insects could be heard. After taking few turns viraj stopped the car. He opened the door for me.

I came outside the car and walked with him few steps further. He was holding my hand in his. In front of me was a beautiful tree house on a huge tree. I always wished to live in a tree house. But it was like a dream for me.

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