Chapter 8

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Thank Goodness


The summer training camp flew by way too fast. It felt just like yesterday Oikawa was worried sick of how I'll do when he's gone, and yet he's in my house now.

It would be a lie to say that I didn't miss him. When he came back and started blabbering about volleyball, I felt at home. It's as if my life was miserably idle when he was away, and now that he's back, it's colorful and running again.

"とにかく... (Anyways...)" his voice trailed off while his hands brought up two cups of ramen. "一緒に食べよう(Let's eat this together.)" Oh Fate, I really am indeed home when I'm with this man.

Oikawa headed first to the kitchen to get hot water. Meanwhile, I prepped the cups with its water and seasoning. As I was doing it, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and a light weight on my left shoulder.

"俺の恋人だ (It's my lover)," he laughed weakly at his own remark. I couldn't help but laugh too. He's been using this term so often, I don't even mind it anymore.

We stayed in that position until the heater's beep went off. Oikawa let out a soft grunt of annoyance before breaking away to pour the hot water into the cups. His face was frowning again, which reminded me.

"幸せのお守りに気づいたの? (Did you notice the happiness charm?)" I asked him.

His eyes widened like he just remembered it too. "あの青いお守りか?(Is it that blue charm?)"

All the enthusiasm left my living being. "いいえ、黄色です(Nope, it was yellow.)" This means one thing, and the fear in his eyes just confirmed my suspicion already. "他の女在るか?!クソ餓鬼!(Do you have another woman?! You damn brat!)" I yelled, emphasizing the 'r' whenever I could. My tone when mad, is the same as Oikawa's. It's probably the result of growing up with him.

He was about to explain, until epiphany struck him. Instead of looking like a puppy, he put both his hands on the table beside me, trapping me into place. "あらあら。。嫉妬か?(My, my... Jealous?)" he teased.

"煩い(Shut it)," I said, not knowing how to avoid his claim. That was probably jealousy, but it could've been pride too. He should've thought of that!

"怒った?冗談だけど (You mad? But it was just a joke.)" As if I would believe that. He could just be putting this up, so that I won't suspect him. "黄色、花、そして青いの糸、でしょ?正解、でしょ?(Yellow, Flowers, and blue string, right? I'm correct, aren't I?)" he declared with so much confidence.

The way he stared at me, as if he owned me, struck all my weak nerves. My knees were about to fail. My mind was about to give in to temptation, and my heart, to an endless pit. "お。。及川— (O-Oikawa—)" his sweet hum was enough to bring his point across. "徹君... (Tooru-kun...)" I corrected myself, no longer remembering what I was going to say afterwards.

"他の女居ないよ夕暉。君だけだ (I don't have another woman, Sekki. Only you.)"

Goodness! The way he said my name. It turned off all my senses that still had the strength to function. Then and there, I fell down, only to have him catch me.

Whenever I'm with him, I feel at home. The home where I'm contented, light-hearted, sometimes nervous, irritated, but most of all, safe. Only he does these things to me. And it's scary thinking that I feel a hollow space inside me whenever he's gone.


My heart is still pounding from the incident back at home. I'm going to meet Kageyama Tobio, but my head has a dorky Oikawa sticking his tongue out while his finger pulled down his lower eyelid. Oikawa, the epitome definition of stupidity.

Still frustrated from all the Oikawa thoughts, i flipped my phone open to double check the meeting place. I checked the name of the small store I was in front of, and yep. I'm here.

"夕暉さん!(Sekki-san!)" Kageyama Tobio's voice rang in my ears as his footsteps started to get closer. Following the sound, I turned to my right and found him approaching me. With heavy pants, he placed his heavy palm on my shoulder and paused to catch for his breath. This.. touch, is it normal? At these times, I need the expertise of Yui. "長く待ってたか?(Sorry, did you wait long?)"

I shook my head. "いいえいいえ。大丈夫か?(No, no. Are you okay?)"

He raised his head and gave me smile. "遅れたくなかっただけだ(Just didn't want to be late.)" My heart skipped a beat. So many 'what-ifs' popped in my mind, and annoyingly, one of those was

What is Oikawa said that?

From there, the rest of the thoughts followed.

What if Oikawa sees me?

What if Oikawa suddenly shows up?

Damn it, brain! What if Kageyama and I ended up dating, huh?!

What if Oikawa gives up?

A heavy vibe pulled my heart to the ground. It became harder to breathe. Was it because of that last question that I thought of?

"大丈夫なの?(Are you okay?)" Kageyama returned my question. "元気ないそうだ(You don't look very well.)" I looked at him with tired eyes. He's probably right. I'm not really feeling that well.

Our friendly date was just at that convenient store, We ate cup noodles there with rootbeer, and casually got snacks. Our topic was mostly about volleyball, sometimes we'd reminisce about the past. Through just our talk, I learned a lot about Fukurodani and Nekoma, That'll probably be good information to share with the team.

My mind was at cloud nine that I couldn't remember how our conversation ended up to this. "どれくらい付き合ってんだの?(How long have you been dating?)" he asked.

Lightning struck the center of my heart from the shock. Is this really Kageyama Tobio? He doesn't really think of such things! "誰だっけ?(With who again?)" My eyebrows are practically twitching as i try to calm myself.

"君と及川さん付き合ってでしょ?(You and Oikawa-san are dating, right?)" he clarified.

Both my palms met hard on surface of the table. "違う!誰が言った?!(No! Who told you that?!)"

Kageyama Tobio's upper body leaned back while his arms guarded his front as if he was afraid of me. "い。。いいえ!あのー。。ただー。思いたんだ。付き合ってみたいだって(N-No! I just— Thought so. Because you two looked like you were dating.)"

That calmed me, but i couldn't help but think that he's been having the wrong idea since who knows when, the beginning maybe.

He peeked through his arms. When he found out that I turned back to normal again, his body straightened up and his cheeks flushed deep red as a wide smile appeared on his lips. "いいな!(That's good!)"

For a minute, my whole being turned into stone. How.. Did i just hear.. Kageyama Tobio.. sounding so relieved, after finding out that Oikawa and i aren't dating. Was it just my imagination? I was too shy to even ask for confirmation.

"とにかく。『飛雄』て呼んでくる。『影山飛雄』はあまりすぎる(Anyway, you should just call me Tobio. Kageyama Tobio is too much)," he mentioned. We're finally out of the store, about to separate ways now.

"じゃ。。飛雄さん(Okay... Tobio-san.)"

"いやいや。『飛雄』、言って(No, no. 'Tobio', say it.)"


His white teeth sparkled once again as he patted my head as if I was a kid. "いい子(Good girl.)" Kageyama Tobio, for the first time, looked as if volleyball wasn't the only thing in his head.

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