First Day

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                     You were just an average girl for most people, but you always had that gift. Too bad you didn’t know that.

                                                                                                                              (name)’s P.O.V.

      Today was the day, the first day of college! I’ve taken a course in Italy (If your Italian, pretend you had moved to another country) because I found a great college there! I don’t speak fluent Italian but I can understand it very well, but since this “school” has many students from around the world, they all speak English! And I know English, anyway as my taxi dropped me of to college, since I’m new here I have to go to the principal’s office to get my schedule and dorm room. I’ve heard the dorms are big so I’m going to have 2 girls with me. I walked to the entrance and saw a woman sitting in a desk with a computer, I was about to open my mouth to ask where was the principal’s office but she interrupted me first:

      “Are you (name) (lastname)?” She asked still looking at her computer. I nodded.

      “Principal Julius is upstairs in the large room on the left” She said with her cranky voice.

      “Humm, bye...” I answered but she didn’t answered me back as I expected. I walked up the silver stairs and got to the principal’s office. I knocked on the brownish door and waited for an answer.
       The door quickly opened and a man probably in his thirties appeared: “Hello! You a-must be (name)! Come a-on in!”He said shanking my hand violently. I came in as he asked me.
       “Please take a sit” He said as he grabbed a chair for me. I mumbled a quick thank you and seated on the platinum chair.
       “So, here is your schedule and your dorm key, dorm 221B ( See if you get the reference :P )” He said as he handed me my stuff. But when I looked up at him he looked very serious.
      “You a-see, we a-had a problem, the school was too a-full and we only a-had one a-room left for three students, one of a-course its you, but the a-others are both male brothers. So you a-have to stay with them, is that okay with-a you?” He asked me in a serious tone. I nodded and kept silence. He then hugged me very tightly
     “Thank you a-very much!”. I then left the office and got myself ready ‘Deal with two boys, hun? I hope they’re nice’ I thought and got to my room I grabbed my key and unlocked the door.
     “Hello, is anyone here?” I said to no one. Silence... They aren’t here. I entered the room and quickly closed the door. Since no one was here I decided to have a quick shower and put on my pajama and go to school, tomorrow I only had class at 1pm.

Hetalia Italy x Reader x Romano - College in ItalyWhere stories live. Discover now