A Quiet Dinner

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(Guys, if you have any suggestions to the story please message me ^^' Im out of ideas, thanks for reading! Have a nice year!!!)

(Name) was laying in her bed, she was thinking of what happend today and was already blushing. She decided to wash her body. The bathroom was quite big. But the dorm only had one, it will be quite hard to use it then. She sighed. She went to grab her bathroom products, she got in the shower.

'God dammit Feli, why am I feeling like this? I only just met him. And Lovino... God, this is hard'
After cleaning herself she got out and remembered she forgot to get a towel. 'Why am I such an air head'
She made her way to her room-The dorm's door opened.


"(Name), I'm back." Lovino exclaimed entering the dorm, he seemed like he was carrying a lot of bags by the side noises.
(Name) hid in the bathroom and closed the door. Blushing madly she answered. "O-oh hi Lovino! Uh, thanks for b-buying the stuff" she crussed at her own stuttering.

"(Name)? Where are you, are you okay?" Lovi asked concerned.

"Uh well, I'm in the bathroom... I just f-finished taking a shower. And I forgot to bring a towel" She said embarrased. Lovino blushed madly. Just the thought of her naked. 'Shit, Lovino. Don't think about that!!!'
"Uh, If you want I c-can go get you one-" "thanks! Yes please!"

He then went to grab a towel he made his way to the bathroom and knocked on the door. (Name) unlocked the door."C-close your eyes!" She exclaimed obviously flustered. Lovino closed his eyes and opend the door. He really wanted to pick, but he wasn't an ass. He gave (name) the towel and then closed the door. "T-thanks Lovi! ^^' Sorry about that"
"It's o-okay" he said and then went to store the things he buyed.

-----Time Skip-------
Reader's P.O.V.
"Could you pass me the sauce?" Lovino asked you, you went to grab it but Lovi's hand make contact with yours, you turned you head at him, he was looking down, blushing?

You blushed. He then looked up and his eyes made contact with yours.
A few seconds passed. Though it feeled like an eternity.

He sighed. "(Name)... Would you like to go see a movie with me tommorow?"
You gazed at him and slowly nodded. He smiled and continued eating.

You blushed and continue to eat as well.
The room was silent, but it was a comfortable silent. Me and Lovi smiling at ourselves.

Lovi's P.O.V
She accepted? Wow, the bastards were right... Oh god I'm so lucky!
-time skip-
I grabbed my and (name)'s plate, "Don't worry Ill clean them" I smiled, she thanked me but said she would at least help me clean the table. We both cleared the table, I would so to this if we were married...

Married?! The fuck Lovino! Sigh. Don't think about that.

My eyes turned to her (petite/curvy/ what eva ya want) figure. She was so pretty. And she wasn't a bitch! Wich suprises me, she was very kind as well and not annoying.
She notices I was staring at me and looked at me.
We stared at each other, daammit my cheeks are heating up. She then.

Kissed my cheek.


Now I think Im all red, she smiled at me and runned to the tv room.
I sighed smiling and finished cleaning the dishes.

Normal P.O.V
Feliciano just left the party, he was a bit drunk as he made his way to his dorm. He smirked as he thought of (name) then he smiled like he's usual self.


The dorm's door opened.

Lovi had just finished the dishes and was taking off his apron, (name) was cuddled in the couch watching random stuff in the tv.

"Im back~ ^^"

Hetalia Italy x Reader x Romano - College in ItalyWhere stories live. Discover now