26 ✴️

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Another chapter cuz I feel bad, the last one sucked

And hOw tHe hECk DiD I GeT 600 rEaDs

Your annoying writer will shut up

Okay u can scroll down :)

✴️ c a t a s t r o p h i c ✴️

Yoonsu stepped inside her home, her hair tied into a ponytail as her bag clung on her shoulders.
Closing the door behind her she walked towards the living room, her hair swaying behind her as she did so.

She was quite surprised to not see her parents there. They usually sit on the couch and watch television, but today was just different.
She just shrugged her shoulders and glanced at the clock,

9:50 pm

"It's quite late" The girl whispered to herself, making her way towards her room.

She discarded her bag onto the floor and basically threw herself on the bed. Her muscles were sore after that dancing sort of thing. Her eyelids were heavy, wanting to close and drift off to sleep.

But then she heard faint voices of what she assumed was her parents, this made her cross her brows and decided to eavesdrop.

Oh hell it was a bad idea

She pressed her ear onto the thin wall that separated their rooms. Her parents voices echoed through the walls as it rang in her ears.

"She's home, we should lower our voices down" She heard her mother spoke in a whisper but it was clear for her.
"What should we do?"

"She isn't our daughter, Choi Haeji"

Her dad's voice echoed, causing her world to crumble into pieces. She froze in her spot, she didn't get it, she didn't want to believe it.

"She's in danger Jisu." Her mother whispered, "but we couldn't do anything since that boy is her soulmate" she added

Tears threatened to escape her eyes. Her heart thumping rapidly against her chest. Her hands started trembling uncontrollably.
The darkness of her room made her feel cold and the voices of her parents- or so she thought- making her tremble.

"That boy- Donghyuck- I think he's just using her." A male voice whispered "We can find another way to change her soulmate"

"Jisu, that's impossible-"

"No it's not"

"She's still our daughter, Jisu. We promised to protect her"

"I know. We need to plan something as soon as possible"

Yoonsu's eyes widened in shock, hot and salty tears streamed down her face like a river. Her body felt numb, she felt like she couldn't move.

"We need to tell her about this Haeji"

"No, it'll hurt her for sure. We shouldn't"

Yoonsu couldn't take it anymore, she scrambled to her feet and made her way towards the door, creaking it open before walking towards her parents- guardians room.

She bursts through the door, meeting the shocked eyes of her so-called parents.


"Are you hiding something from me?" Yoonsu interrupted, her voice cracking in the middle of her sentence. Her cheeks stained with tears as the bottom of her lips started trembling.

"Listen, my yoonie-" Haeji tried to calm her down "What the fuck is this all about?" She interrupted her fists clenched "She isn't our daughter, we promised to protect her" The girl copied the phrases, every word dripping with disbelief and anger.

She could see the slight movement of Jisu's throat as he gulped, his eyes closing in guilt. "Your biological parents abandoned you, Yoonsu" he explained "And they asked us to take care of you, we did"

A tear slipped from Haeji's eyes, "How could you- how could you hide this from me?" Yoonsu heard herself say.

"You even changed your surnames? From Choi to Kim? You should've just told me!" The sobbing girl choked out
"Yoonsu, my baby, I'm so sorry-"

"Do not call me that"

Yoonsu found herself running away from the room, opening the front door as she ran, leaving the door open.


Yoonsu stood there, on top of the railings. The cold water crashing from below. The cold air blowing through her hair as it covered her face.

Hot tears streaming down her cheeks, She didn't want to live anymore, it all happened way too fast. She couldn't handle such pain.
The people she trusted the most turned out to be lying.

The bright circular moon shone brightly along with the stars, lighting up the dark and sorrowful night sky.

The girl glanced down, gulping down the lump in her throat as she imagined herself drowning and choking until she finally dies.

Donghyuck immediately sat up, his room dark, the only source of light was the street lights outside his window.

Sweat coated his honey skin as he gasped for air. Images flooding his mind after that dream.

But little did he know that he was seeing his soulmate's current situation.

✴️ c a t a s t r o p h i c ✴️

Oh noooo

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