More trouble. (Aliens?)

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I slowly put Claud onto the bed. I can see, she's really hurt. If she wasn't practicing boxing she should bleed very hard now. Those paintballs hit right on her stomach. Poor girl......
"Can you please stay?" Claud asked me. "I can't...I have to go downstairs." I sat beside her. "Why?" She looked at me. "Uncle Stu wants to scold me and Tom for that paintball thing. I need to be there." I sighed. "Oh okay. Don't forget to say Bethany shot me with Punisher. You can score a goal. Maybe Beth will also be scolded."
She said. "That's right" I kissed her forehead gently and went downstairs. Uncle Stu already started scolding Tom. This is boring. I walked to them and sat beside Tom. "Baby? Helen? Stun? Wha-what am I gonna do? What do you think I should do? I dunno what to do..." Uncle stopped as Bethany rushed to us. "Can't you keep him in the room for rest of the week?" She said angrily. "It wasn't even me." Tom said. "Bethany you shot my twin sister with the gun. What if she started bleeding or something?" I said crossing my arms which made Bethany shut up. "He has a point" Uncle mumbled. "At least she a girl. Like you.You should've shown some good behaviour." Uncle said to Bethany. "Okay. boys are just lucky that Ricky wasn't badly hurt." Uncle said to us. "It's okay Mr.P...I was a little kid once too" Ricky said. Ugh he is trying to impress Tom's parents. Boring. I wonder what Claudette is doing....I completely zoned out from the scene....I was thinking...about Claud. I couldn't ask for a better sister. She is always nice. But how could Beth just shoot her with Punisher. Talking about Punisher. Where is that now? I will find it after uncle's lecture. "Why don't you care about Claudette though? She was hurt too. I don't even know ho-how she is doing now." Tom snapped. "She'll be okay. Tomorrow we fish. 7am sharp." Uncle said. "7? You're kidding?" Tom said. Time for me to speak. "Pass. Nate" I called dad. "Hey Stu don't you think That's a little early? What about this 10 AM on the boat no questions asked." Dad said. Tom looked at me. I simply smiled. "What a crack whip Nate. What a crack whip." Dad said. We sat there for like 2 minutes. I really wanted to know what is Claudette doing. "Stu...Stu...the t.v's gone haywire" Nana said as she started hitting the t.v. "Stu...the t.v's gone haywire." Dad repeated the same thing. "Mom. Mom stop it. Probably the dish. Alright. After the storm I'll climb up the roof and fix it." Dad walked towards Nana. Ricky whacked Tom on his head on the way. "Oh w-wait Mr. P. Let me fix this menace. That's At least I can do for your hospitality" Ricky said. "No Ricky you're hurt." Bethany said. "No. It's just a grace." Ricky said. "No honey. He's fine. Go ahead Richard. Show some hustle." Nana said. "Yes indeed. But I'll need a helping hand." Ricky leaned close to Tom. "What do you say brother. It was a chance to bear the old head. Ricky walked away. "Make things right with Ricky or don't come off that roof." Bethany threatened Tom. She pushed him away. This means time to go check on Claudette and make a plan to scare Tom. I ran upstairs. Then to our room.

Oh it hurts. It's been 5 minutes since Jake left this room. I had nothing to do. I picked up my MP3 player from my suitcase. I connected my headphones to it and started listening to I gotta feeling by black eyed peas. Such an awesome song. After 10 more minutes I started taking pictures of various scenery's that can be seen from the window. The pain was slowly fading away. Good. I clicked so many pics. But I noticed something wrong in a pic. On that pic it showed some sky and the pool. But something was in that. A black thing moving on the sky. Can't see properly. But.....what was that? Is that a bomb? Maybe Aliens? Haha no way.....but will that be something dangerous?....
"Claud.?" I turned towards the door to see Jake standing there. "You okay?" He sat on our bed. "Yes I am...where's Tom?" I asked. "Oh something happened to the dish. Tom and Ricky went to the roof to fix it. Come let's scare them." He said. "They went on the roof?" I panicked because that black thing moved towards the rooftop. "Yea. What?" He asked me. "Nothing, come on let's scare them....." we walked outside to find a way to get on the roof....

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