It was a dark and stormy night

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It was a dark and stormy night. Thunder rattled the castle's walls.
What castle was this one might ask?
This was the castle of the Kims. 

Where is this castle you may then question.
It is located in the fictional land of Alt Unuv (more commonly referred to as AU). Alt Unuv is well known for its awe inspiring terrains, with mountains to the West so tall you couldn't see the top until you were miles away, valleys and fields so vibrant that visitors are often found to fall to the ground in wonder at first witnessing their beauty, and surprisingly enough cities too. 

The capital city, Bopodo, sits on the southeast coast of Alt Unuv. This buzzing metropolis is home to about 7 million Unuvians, and is also where the reigning Kim's castle resides. 

The castle itself is a magnificent sight to behold. Being on the southeastern coast, the castle lights up every day with the first rays of dawn, before being lit by the various glass skyscrapers reflecting sunlight in Bopodo later in the day. This is occurrence is particularly fascinating to visitors to Bopodo since quite a few of the buildings in Bopodo have been built such that sunlight shines in spots speckled across the castle's light grey exterior. From above the castle can be described as looking like the letter E, with the three wings facing the sea, and the longest edge facing the city. While skyscrapers are tall, none is taller than the right turret (when facing the front of the castle), which dwarfs the turret nestled in the middle of the front of the castle. The left turret sits at a middling height between the other two. Of course there are other turrets around the front of the castle with various bits sticking out here and there, but those three are the most notable.

The Kims are the ruling family of Alt Unuv. Unfortunately the senior Kims passed away after a plague of sorts swept through the nation (their deaths were peaceful) ten years prior to the present day, leaving the three Kim brothers, Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, and Kim Taehyung to rule. Despite being the middle child, Kim Namjoon was crowned King at the tender age of 15. This was due to his outstanding intellect which he had possessed since birth, which made him the most fit out of the three Kims to rule the Kingdom. He was loved by all since he took the throne, proving himself to be a wise ruler (of course aided by teams of advisers throughout the years, especially while they were still experiencing the education system (aka school)). 

The remaining two Kim brothers found themselves free to assign themselves to their own positions once Namjoon had successfully taken the reigns of rulership. 

Seokjin took up an apprenticeship surprisingly enough in the royal kitchens. He is currently the head supervisor of the royal kitchens (although he needn't do much as the staff are very competent), and spends time experimenting with and creating new dishes. Occasionally he livestreams these experiment sessions.

Taehyung took a bit longer to decide what to do, dappling in acting (causing many a ruckus at auditions when the youngest prince's enthusiasts spontaneously showed up), teaching, and gaming. Eventually he decided his passions lay in fashion design, and is currently rising through the design ranks at the fashion company, Gochi.

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That's it for the first chapter or rather sneaky-not-so-sneaky-exposition-dump
I don't know what to expect from this, but it's probably gonna end up being a y/n story 

There's most definitely not going to be any BIG conflicts because heck no 
the world's pretty fucked enough right now as it is and I don't wanna really write about that kinda thing during this time

Hope y'all enjoyed! (if you bypassed all my warnings about reading this trash.. h i you made it out of the first chapter alive)

-Moobruh xx

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