Chapter four

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"Kang Seulgiii!!!Wake up!!."-Seulgi fell from her bed when she heard her brother's voice shouting to her waking her up.

"Mmm...oppa,I'm not going to school today.I'm having a headache."-Seulgi groaned in pain.She's still having a hangover from yesterday.

"You brat!You'll stand up or I'll splash water on you?."-Daniel shout angrily.He feels like he's also having a headache given by her Spoiled brat sister.

"I'll be off to work.If you're still lying on your bed.I'll call Dad."-As soon as Seulgi heard that,she rushed into the bathroom while Daniel already go to work.

Seulgi being Slowgi is still in the bathroom taking the shower while her eyes still closed.It takes her 15 minutes to finish her morning routine.

She realised that she has only 5 minutes left before her morning class starts.She then remember what was Professor Kim said yesterday.

'I don't have any choice but to give you a punishment.'

'I don't have any choice but to give you a punishment.'


"Fuuudgee!!!."-Seulgi run into her car and tell her driver to hurry up.Feels like its happening again.

Seulgi dialed Wendy's number.After how many rings,Wendy finally answered it.

"Gosh! Don't tell me you'll be late AGAIN?."-Wendy from the other line said.

"Wannie!please do me a favor."-Seulgi pleaded.

"What?."-Wendy asked waiting for Seulgi to answer.

"Kidnapped Mr.Kim for me."

"What the hell are you talking about!?."

"Please....or do something to make him stop going to the classroom.Please,just this once."

"Alright Alright!...You owe me something Kang."-Seungwan already gave up and hang up the call.Seulgi smiled thanking Wendy for being her bestfriend.


"Mr.Kim!."-Wendy called Mr.Kim while Mr.Kim look at her curiously.

"What's wrong Ms.Son?You look exhausting,are you ok?."-Mr.Kim asked sincerely.

"I'm ok,by the way,Dean is looking for you Mr.Kim."-Wendy lied.This is the best way to help her friend Seulgi.

"Why all of a sudden?."-Mr.Kim asked.

Wendy just shrugged.

"Actually,I don't know Mr.Kim.We're just being asked to look for you.I mean,Me and Seulgi."

"Is that so?where's Ms.Kang?."-Mr.Kim asked when he noticed that Seulgi's not there.

"She's in the comfort room.Hurry up Mr.Kim,Dean's waiting for you."

"Alright,take this to your section and check the attendance for me Ms.Son.Gotta go."-Mr.Kim said and made his way back to the Dean's office while Wendy's staring at the books that Mr.Kim handed her.

"Argh!!I hate this!."-Wendy exclaimed annoyingly.She hate doing such thing.


"Wannie!."-someone called out her name and it's her friend,Seulgi.

"Let's go....and take this."-Wendy give the books to Seulgi and Seulgi look at her curiously.

"What's this?."

"Check the attendance."

"What!?no way!."

"I did a favor to you Seulgi-ah."

"Aish!."-Seulgi gave up.She has nothing to do  about it anymore.

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