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One day, you offered yourself to walk around with me at the school campus. I was actually very nervous. I never walk anywhere around the school and above all that, it was with you.

"Don't worry, it'll be fun" you said as you grab my hand and walk out with me. I never felt my heart beating so fast like that day.

But I actually had fun. You're always so afraid that I might feel uncomfortable that you talk about small stuff all the time and I liked it. You always try to make me laugh and smile. I'm so glad that you're a part of my life. No one like you had ever been involved in my life and I'm happy.

I cannot say that I'm in love but my feelings for you were more than friends' feelings. But I do not want to show it because I don't know how these things work and you'd probably never felt that way and that's how I tried to convince myself.

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