Azrael Regulus Black

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The boy made his way back to his cell with Sirius and cuddled with him. Something about his aura made him calm and safe. The child doesn't remember who he is, where he came from. This is a bit of a problem, but it's too much of one. Everyone loses bits of themselves here, it's not much of a stretch to become something completely new.

"Hey, kid, look at me." the kid faces his gaze up to stare Sirius in the face. "My name's Sirius Orion Black, also going by Padfoot," he chirps happily.

The boy blinks.

Bellatrix in the cell next to theirs rolls her eyes.

"The kitten doesn't know who Padfoot is, cousin. The kitten needs an explanation," she said. The child turned to her, eyes wide. Bellatrix cocked her head and laughed, throwing her head back in a good cackle.

"The kitten isn't frightened by me, see, cousin?," she croons

Bellatrix grins. "My name is Bellatrix Lestrange nee Black, Kitten! And You  will call me Aunt Bella, and I will teach you everything you need to know to serve your Lord."

The child meets her eyes in a questioning gaze.

"The Dark Lord," Bellatrix says, by way of explanation. "He is all us in the North Tower's Lord, and my dear cousin has recently acquiesced that he can't be much worse than old hag, who he previously served, but was left in this cage by."she giggles 

Sirius snorted. "She means Dumbledore," he said. "But he knows I'm innocent and I'm still here, so I've decided Goat Whore might be a better title."

Augustus Rookwood, in the cell on the other side, broke into the conversation with a rough voice.

"Over here, child," he grunted. The child turned, and toddled to Rookwood . "My name is Augustus Rookwood. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

He held out his hand for the child to shake, and the child looked back at Sirius questioningly, as if asking for permission. Sirius' heart warmed a little at the sight, and he nodded encouragingly. The child took Rookwood's hand cautiously, and Rookwood shook it with a smile.

The other Death Eaters conscious around them shouted greetings, and one by one introduced themselves. Antonin Dolohov, Rabastan and Rodolphus Lestrange, Travers, Mulciber, Barty Crouch Jr., and others whose faces they could not see.

The child shook as voices around him rose and pressed himself in Sirius' arms. Sirius was thoroughly surprised by this.

"All right, settle down, SETTLE DOWN, for Merlin's sake, you're scaring the kid!"

The Death Eaters quieted.

"You'll need a name," Sirius mused. "We can't keep calling you 'kid.'"

"Kitten!" Bellatrix screeched. Sirius glared at her.

"No, I'm pretty sure they're a boy. Are you?" he asked. The child cocked his head. "Mind if I check?' Sirius asked. The child blinked, and Sirius checked quickly.

"Alright," he said. "He's a boy. What're we gonna call you?" he mused. "Black, obviously, for the last name. I wanna choose the middle too, cause you're sharing my cage and I've decided you'll be my pup. Any suggestions?"

Murmurs and muses from the cells around them.

"Regulus," Bellatrix said. Sirius started. "Something Regulus Black. He was your brother, so it's a familial tie, and Regulus died in the service of the Dark Lord, the highest honor one can have."

Those around them murmured assent, and Sirius nodded.

"Yes. Yeah, let's do that," he said with a sad little smile, and pulled the child closer.

"I feel maybe a constellation or something in greek or latin," Rookwood offered.

Sirius grinned a crazy smile. "I rather like the sound of that. What do you say, kid?"

The boy nodded, Barty hummed. "How about Azrael? It means Angel of Death."

Bellatrix cackled and grinned." Ooo~ i like it!"

Sirius grins, "There it is Azrael Regulus Black!" 

The crackle of magic sizzled in the air, and the North Tower residents looked around in awe as they felt the sheer presence of magic after four years.

"Magic is recognizing him," Rookwood whispered in awe. "She's taken the name and made it his own. Whoever he was is gone now."

Before their eyes, the burns faded away, but an unnoticed lightning bolt scar didn't shift, didn't change. He would need it soon.

Azrael Regulus Black's eyes glowed killing curse green.

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