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"Jiminie, we have to hurry up, the pilot won't wait our late asses!" Taehyung yells at his bff who's still packing his things from their penthouse in Gangnam.

"Won't wait our ass?! Stop talking as if it's not your boyfriend who will fly your private plane going to Bhutan Taehyungie!"

Jimin yells back at his bff who didn't change at all, well maybe minus the outfits, the penthouse, the black BMW, the white Rolls Royce, the yellow Porsche, his black card and maybe his own studio in Seoul. Yes, he is still his humble best friend.

"Wow, hello there handsome!" Taehyung teases his bff when they're finally ready.

"Oh please, Tae never ever say that in front of your possessive boyfriend again. Last time you called me cute he kicked me out of our own apartment!" Chim whinew but Tae just smiled at him.

It's funny how the last time they traveled, Jimin & Taehyung are with BTS. Today, as their midterm break starts they once again found themselves inside tge aircraft that will bring them to Bhutan. All the BTS members are with them but this time, Seokjin is with them too.

The initial plan was Jungkook's going to fly the private jet provided by the royal family, but since Taehyung has a difficulty of sleeping without cuddling someone, they found an excuse to save Jk with the task. In the end, the couple sits beside each other too.

The flight to Seoul to Bhutan is just 6 hours but since it's already 6 PM when they left, the boys eventually fall asleep in the plane.

Jungkook's about to sleep too when he thought Taehyung has already fallen asleep but when he looks at him, the younger is still awake too.

Its been two months since everything changed in Taehyung's life. It's been two months since he discovered his real identity. A lot of things happened. He managed to buy a new building for the extension of the Golden Haven orphanage. He bought another building for the Parks who are bow the owners of the famous cafe called Magnate. He convinced Jimin to come back to SNU so they are now living together at his penthouse. His cousin Jiwon bought a studio for his paintings while his aunt, the majesty queen sent her different cars &his own butler.

He stopped working at the Min's restaurant already but once in a while he still visits to eat there with his boyfriend and his best friend. Everything happened in just a span of 2 months.

Mr. Jeon has already started their project in Bhutan too while Uncle Yuyu went back to LA.

A lot of good things really happened to him but the only constant thing in his life is his own Prince. Jungkook might be super busy with his own dissertation since he's already graduating this year, but he's always there in every step of the way. He was there when he went to the bank to open his own account. He was there when he looked for an apartment to buy for himself. He was also there when he launched the opening of his own studio. Jungkook has made sure that he won't missed a thing in his life and maybe Tae thought that he wont ever let him go.

"Tae, I thought you're already sleeping baby. Is there something bothering you?" Jk asks his boyfriend though he knows that the younger is probably a bit anxious because this is the first time he will finally visit his own country.

Tae sighs as he stares at those loving eyes.

He lifted his hands to caress Jungkook's face.

"How could I be this lucky to have those eyes look at me as if I'm the prettiest one in the world?" he whispers, not wanting anyone hears them.

Jk smiles upon hearing that. He leans closer to the younger's touch.

He lifted his hands to caress Jungkook's face.

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