P r o l o g u e

18 1 0

I sat in my brand new car waiting for Bee when all of a sudden the door was opened forcefully.

"Who the fuck are you!?!"  "Drive" the unknown man buckled
his seatbelt a gunshot wound was seeping out blood onto the carpet of my new fucking nissan.

"But- "just fucking drive!" I step on the gas from his deep voice sirens were behind us red and blue lights my arms were trembling  from fear.

"Don't stop the car"  Is this man a criminal ? Why can't I pull the car over.

The man started groaning in pain clutching his stomach. "You need to get to a hospital!"  "No I don't" the man protested my eye twitched as I clutched the wheel.

"First you enter my brand new  fucking car and stain it up , the police are after us , and you won't even let me take you to a hospital!" I sneered.

I sped up driving to my house shortoy after many drifts and turns I made home without the  police catching me I stopped the car.

Wait? I helped a probably criminal escape the police does that mean I'm now his accomplice!?!

I snapped out and helped the man out of my car and took car of his gunshot wound I have good experince since I am taking medical major.

After a while I headed upstairs leaving the man downstairs resting I made myself comfortableand slept.

But the next day the ,man was gone no trace no blood nothing he could have atleast paid me for the blood in my car.

I checked my phone that dinged

76 calls from Bee  100 messages from bee

Oh, god I'm so dead even the dead will call me dead I called bee and got myself a scolding of a lifetime.

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