Chapter 1

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So I decided to make the book! Area51RaidXD here ya go! I don't think I changed anything apart from some spelling mistakes.

Wanda walked down the sketchy side alley. It was the quickest way to get to her apartment. She wrapped her leather jacket tightly around her, trying to get more heat. She stopped when a box started moving. Wanda looked around and lifted the box with her magic.

Underneath the box was a small child, shivering slightly from the cold January weather.

"Hey there. I'm Wanda. Do you know what your name is?"
She carefully said.


"How old are you Peter?"
The seventeen year old crouched down next to Peter.


"What are you doing on the streets by yourself?"

"Scary people killed Mama and Papa."

"Do you want to come home with me Peter?"
Wanda asked. Even though she only knew the toddler for less than five minutes, she already loved him.

"Tank you Miss Wanda."
Peter's small arms wrapped around Wandas neck.

"You're very welcome Peter. And please, call me Wanda."


"Wanda, why are you in such a rush to leave the compound?"
Tony asked about four years after Wanda found Peter.

She got Peter into a good school after officially adopting him four years ago and she needed to pick him up from school.

"I have important business that doesn't concern you or anyone else."
Wanda said.

"Ooh. Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No. I am leaving now. Try and send anyone to follow me, I will crush them."
Wanda warned.

"Definitely a boyfriend."
Tony muttered.

Wandas hands started glowing red.

"Sorry sorry! Not a boyfriend then."

Wanda smirked then left the compound.


Wanda was waiting outside the school for Peter.

"Oh my god. She's so young. Probably a teenage pregnancy."
Wanda heard one of the mothers say.

"Actually miss, I found my son on the streets when he was two years old. I adopted him when I was 17 years old. So no, it was not a teenage pregnancy."
Wanda informed the mother who turned bright red and moved away.

The bell rang and children were running out. Peter was one of the last and he smiled when he saw Wanda.

Peter ran towards Wanda.

"Hey baby. How was school?"
Wanda hugged Peter. She took his hand and they started walking back to the apartment.

"It was fun. I made a new friend."

"That's good. What's their name?"

"Michelle. She's really funny and a good drawer. She's also smart as well."

"That's nice. I might not be able to pick you up from school tomorrow Pete, my boss is having a meeting with us."

"Is your boss mean?"

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