Chapter Three: Another chance

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After finishing his story, Oscar finally turned around with a sad smile on his face before his eyes glowed and he was released from Ozpin's control. His body sagged as he took a deep breath and made his way to collapse on a space on the sofa that team RWBY moved aside to make for him.

Qrow stared at (Y/N), watching her - for once - calm and serene face. It was quiet all around them as everyone awaited Qrow's judgement. Apparently he took too long because his youngest niece stood up and made her way over to him, reaching up to place a hand on his shoulder. "Come on, Uncle Qrow. You heard what Ozpin said, let her go."

He turned his head to look Ruby in the eyes, "And you still trust what he says?"

The girl hesitated, looking down doubtfully, giving (Y/N) a chance to speak up. "Okay, what is with that?" They both turned their attention to her in surprise. "You don't take orders from him anymore? You don't trust him? What's happened that could make you distrust a valued friend, one that's saved us time and time again?"

Qrow finally let up on his pinning of her, but instead of setting her gently down he threw her so she landed seated on the floor. She looked up at him in confusion, seeing his angry face. "You are an idiot to place so much trust in people." He stormed off yelling, "And you don't get to know. I still don't trust you." He held the door open and growled. "If you want to help, you should leave." Before slamming the front door shut as he left, presumably to get more booze.

(Y/N) pulled her knees up so they were in front of her chest and rested her head against them. She muttered, "I knew this wouldn't be easy, but this..." She stood up and spoke her thoughts. "Maybe I should just leave. I don't want to cause you guys any problems. As I said, I came here to help." She reached up, stretching her body enjoying the freedom of movement, before she also made her way to the door. She turned her head back and smiled, "It was nice to meet you all and good to see you again, Granny." She reached out for the handle but was stopped by a voice behind her.

"Wait!" (Y/N) turned round surprised to see Weiss had jumped up and was striding over to her. "Before you leave, can you confirm that what Professor Ozpin said is true?"

(Y/N) nodded, "Yeah, it's true."

"So," The white-haired huntress stated. "You came here knowing full well that you would probably be treated in such a suspicious manner, yet you came here to offer your help anyway?"

(Y/N) nodded again, "Yeah I guess."

Weiss twirled to face her friends, "She came here knowing the risks to offer us assistance. We can't turn her away now that we've heard her side of the story just because one member of the group has anger issues." She turned to Ruby and Yang shrugging, "No offence."

They waved her off knowing their uncle wasn't exactly known for his good character and Ruby walked over to stand next to her best friend, "She's right, you know. I think we should give her a chance."

One by one they all agreed, until it came to Maria. Maria was staring off into the distance revisiting memories past, until she was nudged out of them by a quiet voice, "And what do you think, Granny?"

The elderly lady turned to face the owner of the voice, (E/C) eyes meeting the cyan glow of the woman's goggles. Maria hummed thoughtfully before speaking up, "You never did tell me what was going on, then one day you were gone and I... I must have let myself forget about you."

A sad smile found its way onto (Y/N)'s face, "I'm sorry, Granny. I'll forever be grateful for you putting up with me during that time, but I was worried I'd drag you into my mess and I couldn't stand the idea of you getting hurt because of me."

Maria flapped her hand at the girl dismissively. "Never mind that, it's in the past now. I'm glad I could offer you shelter when you needed it and I'm glad you are still the same energetic bubble of positivity you showed me during the time you stayed with me."

(Y/N) smiled endearingly at the old lady who returned it before morphing back to her usual grumpy self, crossing her arms and facing away from the group. "Just let the girl sit down already, it'd be a pain to sit through all of her craziness just to send her off again. Might as well make use of her."

(Y/N) smiled, knowing that the elderly woman was offering kindness even though it was expressed with grumpy words. Nora clapped, "Well that settles it, she's staying!" She jumped up enthusiastically, "Ooh this is so exciting! We've got another group member! Another person to help us crush the enemy, this is going to be great!" She raised her clenched fist and grinned manically.

Everyone sweatdropped at the girl's attitude. (Y/N) leaned in to Ruby and Weiss as they were standing closest to her. "Is this what it's like meeting me?"

"Yep... are you sure you two aren't related?" Ruby asked.

(Y/N) burst out laughing, which caught Nora's attention who stopped mid-pose. (Y/N) turned to wink at Nora before saying, "Well if we aren't, I sure want to be!"

They all laughed at this and again chuckles erupted as Nora's eyes twinkled in delight. Once they had calmed down and the atmosphere had finally settled, (Y/N) turned and once again reached for the door handle. "Listen," She called out to them. "I'm grateful you are all giving me a chance, but I can't waltz in here and join your group without everyone agreeing to it and being happy about the decision. As I said, I don't want to cause a problem. You guys will still be here tomorrow, right?"

They nodded so she carried on speaking, "I'll come back in the morning, once Qrow has returned and see if he's changed his mind. Until then, I'll get out of your hair." She walked out the door waving back to them, "See you in the morning, guys."

As the door came to a close, the group looked around at each other considering her words. The silence was only broken once Jaune spoke up in his positive tone, "Well she seemed nice."

Weiss crashed her hand to her head and shook her head at his tactlessness. She sighed and her team erupted in giggles.

Dusty? Old? Not to me. (Qrow x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now