Chapter II - Happy and Carla

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Siyo! Hey everyone! Glad to see you guys enjoyed the last chapter. Now, this one takes place a couple of days after Lucy and Erza had their spar, and Jellal and Meredy became members of Fairy Tail for good.

Carla, in her human form, sighed as she sat down at the bar inside Fairy Tail, her head cushioned on her fist.

It was the middle of the day, and she was so BORED.

Jellal and Lucy had gone on their first official date, and Wendy, Meredy, Levy, and Gray decided to spy on them.

Carla supposed she could've gone with them, but at the time, she didn't exactly feel like following them around all day long. She had been satisfied at the thought that Wendy would spill the juicy details later.

Now though, she wished she had gone with them. She didn't really hang out with anyone else in the guild besides the others and didn't know exactly how to approach anyone else.

She was contemplating going over to Lily, even though he was sitting next to the surly Gajeel, when something heavy landed on top of her head.

"Hey, Carla!"

The exceed-turned-girl, as mentioned earlier, gritted her teeth. "Tomcat, if you do not get off of my head this instant, your extra nine lives will be shortened to only one."

The weight disappeared from her head almost immediately, and Happy fluttered down in front of her. "You've been spending too much time around Lucy, Carla. You're starting to get scary!"

Carla smirked. "Thank you for the compliment. What are you doing over here anyway? I thought you go wherever Natsu goes."

Happy made a face. "He's upset because Gray is with Levy, Meredy, and Wendy to spy on Jellal and Lucy's date, and because Erza went traveling. He has no one around willing to fight him. So he's off pouting somewhere."

Carla's face darkened a little at the mention of Erza. Lucy had told them what conspired between the two. While a big part of her is still upset by what Erza had done, another smaller piece of Carla was relieved that the redhead was actually regretful of her actions and taking steps to repent for them and also become a better person.

"Yes, that sounds like him," Carla responded to Happy's earlier account of Natsu. "But why are you over here?"

"I wanted to ask for your help!" Happy perked up.

"And what makes you think that I'll assist you?"

Happy smirked slyly. "Because you're bored and got nothing else to do."

Part of me is angry that he noticed, another part of me is creeped out that he saw, and a final piece of me is glad to have something to do. What a cocktail of thoughts that roam my mind.

"Fine," Carla exhaled softly. "What is it that you want?"

"I want you to teach me how to turn into a human the way you do!"

Only a slow blink was the sign of Carla's surprise. "You want me to teach you transformation magic?"

"Yes!" Happy exclaimed excitedly. "It'll be so cool to have a human body! Plus, maybe I can help out Natsu as you do with Wendy!"

Carla had to concede that point. And she was bored.

Oh, why not I suppose.

"Alright," she agreed. "I have nothing better to do."

Happy got literal stars in his eyes. "YATTA!"


Carla stood across from Happy in his and Natsu's backyard.

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