Seeking Love. A One Direction fan fic.

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 I've been blind since I was born. It doesn't bother me, really... but after awhile I always get a bit curious. I've always wondered what I look like, how big a room is, what colour looks like, just those little things usually get me thinking. Sometimes I even cry from being like this. Someone would say something like "can't you see what i'm talking about?" but they don't know that what they said really means something to me. But sometimes I don't really mind.. Being blind has helped me be more independent and less dependent on people. I have to know where i'm going and how to get there without anyone helping me. Fortunantly, my ears and senses are very sharp due to my blindness. You see, my oldest brother Logan, said our parents left us when they realized I was like this. They didn't want to deal with the fact that I was a 'mistake'. A mistake. But Logan's always been there for me, he's told me that i'm the most beautiful thing he's ever seen and coming from him, that always makes me feel better. 

I have only one close friend that I can trust, her name's Ash. She even tells me that i'm beautiful. She's always someone that's there for me by my side ready to protect me from people who will judge. But most people find me nice, which I guess is good. Ash says I have long light brown hair, and towards the middle end, I have it dip died two colors, blue and dark hot pink. Those colors sound weird to me but she says it makes my aqua eyes pop out. 

I'm Lisa Greene, and i'm 18.


Goooooooooooooood Morning UK! I'm Daniel, your radio host and right now-

Ugh where's the fucking snooze button. I groped for the alarm clock but failed horribly, I sighed and opened my eyes but all I saw was the regular darkness that enveloped me 24/7. Deciding I should probably get up I stretched and carefully got out of bed.

Its currently 8:37 a.m and right now we'll be giving you some Rita Oraaaaaaa.

My god this host was annoying. I grabbed my motion sensor laser and made my way to the restroom leaving the radio on. I love listening to music and Rita Ora had an amazing voice if you asked me. I reached the shower and turned it on humming along to the song and cleansing my body. Cautiously, I finished and turned off the shower grabbing the towel that I usually kept on my sink. I started drying my hair and adding the foundation to my face that Ash bought for me since I didn't know how to put on make-up I could easily make my skin look nice.

I finished with that and a different song was playing now. I think it was Ne-Yo or something..  Anyways, wrapping my towel around me I grabbed my laser again and walked out of the restroom. I skipped over to the door and pressed down on the button by it, triggering the speaker that went throught the entire house. Once I heard it beep I spoke into the mic,

"Hey Logan, i'm ready for you." I sing-songed and released the button. Everyday, it was a normal routine when I would call in my brother to come up in my room and pick something out for me, thankfully Ash help buy clothes for me or I would probably look like a "nun" like she said.

"Alright, i'm on my way." He sang back. For a guy, he had a pretty good voice but he never admits it since he's really shy about it. I sat down patiently on my bed and got lost in my thoughts. Today, Ash and I were gonna go shopping like we did every month and she's supposed to pick me up at 9:30 ish and we'll spend the whole day looking for clothes. Still thinking, I heard the door click and my head turned towards the sound.

"Sup Lisa." Logan said, engulfing me in a hug like every other morning.

"Just waiting to change." I hummed. I felt him nod and he stepped out of our embrace probably walking towards my closet. He startedhumming along to some song I didn't recognize and shuffled around,

"Hmm what do you feel like wearing?" He asked. I shrugged, "I'm not sure. Ash called me last night telling me it's gonna be warm so I guess shorts and a knit top." I said. Logan grumbled "Fine, I guess shorts will be fine but i'm gonna make you were that batman top." I rolled my eyes, I swear he's always protective of what I wear since he says 'You have a body girls die for' which I don't understand since I eat like some hungry chicken.

I heard him close the closet door and walk over to my bed laying down the clothes. "Alright, i'll let you change. I'm gonna be downstairs if you need me." I only nodded and waited for him to leave. Once I heard that familiar click, I dropped my towel and quickly changed. I finished and picked up the laser walking over to my alarm clock turning it off. Right at that moment, I heard a ringing and I searched for my phone on my bed. I found the button and clicked answer,

"Lisa here, and if this is some sales man calling again to sell me some strange object, I suggest you hang up or I will let you die slowly and painfully." 

I heard chuckling, "Oh my god Li, I swear one day you'll get caught for doing that." I heard my best friends voice through the phone. I smiled, "Well, they keep calling me and it's annoying Ash!" I whined. I swear I could hear her roll her eyes before she spoke, "Yeah, yeah now c'mon i'm parked infront of your house and we got some shopping to do!" She exclaimed excitingly. I hung up and quickly but carefully ran down stairs with the laser of course.

"BY LOGAN I'LL SEE YOU IN LIKE..... 6 HOURS!" I hollered through the house. "PEACE OUT HOME SKILLET." He yelled back. Yeah... we're usually like this.

I opened the door and found my way to Ash's car trying to feel for the car handle. I hopped in the car, making sure my entire body was in, and slammed it shut searching for the seat-belt.

"Lemme guess, you're brother made you wear that shirt?" Ash asked with amusement in her voice. I turned my head towards her voice and rolled my eyes nodding, "Yeah, I said I wanted to wear shorts and then he went all mofo on me and made me wear his favourite superhero shirt." I chuckled. She laughed and started the car.

"Okay, so. We're going to go to every possoble store today since they're having AMAZING sales and we ARE going to buy everything that I think looks good on you." She confirmed with me in a strict voice. I sighed knowing I had to obey her and nodded. We stayed in silence for the rest of he rde until we made it to the mall.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2012 ⏰

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