Chapter Thirteen: The Final Chapter

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As we walked to the car, I asked who Susan was: apparently she’s Amanda’s maid! Because one person needs more than one maid to herself.
When we were in the car Amanda and Susan were talking about safety and I was staring out of the window, so naturally I fell asle-


“We’re here!” Amanda said “Maisy! Wake up! Honestly, you and car rides!”
“Susan’s waiting for us on the pier.”
“The pier? Oh no! You’re sending me home, aren’t you?” I joked.
“Yes, Maisy I’m sending home the only person who can help me solve this mystery!” Amanda said sarcastically.
“Okay then, come on bestie!”
“Do not call me that, it is very immature.”
“Joking, bestie!” I laughed.
“Come on little clown!”
“Oh! Not little again!” I cried out.
“Come on Wo Sen, let’s go and save my sister, as annoying as she is!”

I chanced a look over to her to see she wasn’t worried. Well she was, but she wasn’t about to show that. She had a stiff but straight back and her smile that was pasted on her face was more like a grimace of worried pain. I felt a rush of panic.
How had I not known my best friend was being eaten inside out by anxiety?
“Yes let’s” I smiled a replica of her own as I linked my arm through my bestie’s Amanda’s and she grunted!
“Right girls, let’s get Annabelle and get out of here.” Susan shivered.

As I stood there I shamefully wondered if we were getting her alive, I wouldn’t be surprised if we didn’t.
This is Amanda, I saw Maisy writing that up and I was appalled! She needs to remember she is not the only one who reads these.- I have to be truthful Amanda!

Anyway, I wasn’t sure if we were even going to get to see Annabelle again and I was really scared as we have never - and I mean never - seen a dead body before, even in a book! I mean Amanda might have seen one in the newspapers that she’s not allowed to read but never in reality!


“It’s been ages!” Amanda moaned – she won’t admit it but I think that she’s scared that her sister will be harmed in the process or that the kidnapper won’t accept the money off us.

“It’s been 5 minutes!” I said, showing her my watch.
“That’s five minutes too long!”
“Susan help me out here?!” I called.
“Kidnappers are not well known for their time management, Amanda, calm down.”
“Thank you Susan.” I said smugly.


15 minutes later, Amanda was in hysterics. By that I mean pacing around, sniffling, and claiming it was her allergies.

“Maisy, honestly I’m fine!”
“I didn’t say anything.”
“Oh!” Amanda moaned “Don’t pretend you weren’t thinking it!”
Whilst Amanda was correct, I don’t enjoy the fact that she’s a mind reader.
Exactly 2 1⁄2 minutes later at 12:32pm (We were meant to meet the kidnapper at 10 past) we saw a car pull up across the street.
As I stared Amanda muttered into my ear;
“It might be them, record the number plate.”
Number plate – N4P9K1D

“Ok, I have, but be careful, Susan’s coming over.” I whispered back.
“Relax and write down any additional notes.” Amanda shout-whispered.
• Blue car
• Blacked out windows
• Scratch on left passenger door

“Maisy?” Susan had caught me writing.
“Yes.” I said innocently.
“What on earth are you doing?”
“Love Letter!” Amanda shrieked.
My cheeks burnt so red that Susan was obliged to change the subject.

At 12:38pm, a figure emerged and walked off down the road.
• Tall man – about 5-6 feet
• Fully black outfit- though it looked suspiciously like a business suite.
• Limp in left leg


“Honestly Maisy, why is some boy so important, at a time like this?!” Susan asked.
“He just is.” I tried, but my stupid cheeks gave me away.
“Wo Sen, come here!”

“Who?” Susan was on a roll today.
“Maisy!” Amanda covered.
“But you said-“
And with that I was pulled away.
“You saw him?” I asked, worriedly.
“Saw who Maisy?”
“Well you said, and – I um well - I thought that-“
“Oh my goodness! There is someone!” Amanda burst out laughing “I was lying!”

“Oh!” Now my cheeks must have been the colour of the ripest tomatoes on the planet. Dipped in red paint!
“Now, let’s see, who would you like?”
“Shut up!” I giggled.
“The cook’s son?”
“Okay then the PE teacher’s son?” She continued.
“Double EWWW!”

“Ok, they are from school right?”
“No.” I lied.
“You really are an awful liar!”
“Ugh!” I muttered “Okay, fine and yes.”
“The PE teacher’s son!?” Amanda sounded appalled – well would you blame me? His mother’s bad enough and well he smells and he’s never doing anything somewhat useful. He’s not good enough for my best friend.

“NOOOOOO! EWWWWWW! I meant yes as in they are from school.”
“Right, so since it’s an all girl’s school we do have quite vast limitations. Right?”
“Stop!” I half screamed, half laughed whilst nodding.
“OH MY GOSH!” Amanda screamed quietly “You like the POST BOY!”
“NOOO!” I lied, I tried “EWWW!” but my infuriating cheeks gave my lies away!
“Yes!” Amanda grabbed my pad and started flipping through it.
Horrified, I said; “Amanda, there’s nothing there! Stop.”


“Girls!” Susan called.
“Saved by the maid!” Amanda said angrily as she chucked me back my pad.
Once she was gone I tore out the dreaded page, ripped it in two, and threw it in the bin.

“Maisy?” Susan shouted “Where were you when Amanda came?!”
“Probably throwing away proof of her crush before I could find it!” Amanda squawked.
For once I didn’t even have to lie.
“See!” Amanda chimed.

“Girls, I need to call the Adley’s, I’m going to that payphone as the kidnappers are not here and it is growing late.” She added hastily as she walked off, “Stay!”
“WOOF!” Amanda barked.
“Hey does Susan always-“
“No, be quiet Maisy, we never keep things from each other!”

“No! I never keep things from you!” I screamed, not caring if people looked “Don’t think I haven’t seen the faces you do at the milk boy! If I have to tell you, then you have to tell me!”
“The milk boy?” Amanda said calmly, but her face was tight and her cheeks were pink, and I don’t think it was from the cold.

I stared at her.
“You really are immature.” She scoffed.
”No, I am not. You are the one who thinks this kidnapping is a game!” I countered.
“That’s because it is!” She yelled.
“How?” I patronized her.
“Because, games are easy, and so is this!” Amanda had calmed down but her cheeks were still flushed.
And there it was. That awful noise that ended our argument.


A scream.

Amanda and I ran to the telephone box.

There was a growing red puddle on the floor in which Susan’s hair was dyed in.

The phone was hanging making a low droning beep.

Susan’s bag was open and her purse was gone, along with the ransom money.

Her coat was stained a deep red.

Susan was dead.

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