A rock in a hard place

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It's been a year and 10 days since Tara died; the night I came home and found her lying on the floor...dead. I knew I lost the good in me. I broke inside. Ever since that day things have gone pretty shitty, even worse when I got out of prison. That was when reality of her death began to hit me. Never coming home to her smile, her laugh, her beauty, her striking personally and the way she cared for our boys... I miss her, that's why I couldn't bear the idea of being with my kids knowing that I failed them. I never took care of their mother like I promised. This is why I have been staying at the clubhouse, not going out much, because there is no point. Ever since that day I've been doing shitty things, Chibs has been trying to get me to see happiness again but it doesn't seem to be working point. Because I think of Tara everyday, her presence is every where I look, I can feel her around me especially now.
As I sit at the bar smoking my cigarette I continue my thoughts of her until I hear the door slam open.
"Jackie Boy! It's good to see you up this morning! I got some news that I think you want to hear!"
"What's that?" I ask quietly
"We have a meeting down with Leroy at the cafe, I think you should come this time"
"Nah I'm fine here plus I have some paperwork to do anyways..."
"Jackie..I know your lying, and I also know that what happened has been hard on you I get that, but you don't want to go out any more let alone see your kids, you need fresh air. Go for a ride and take a break from how your feeling it's always helped before and also your kids need ya now, more then ever. " He says seriously, putting a hand on my shoulder
"Okay..I'll go, your right but it still doesn't change anything.." I state as I get up and walk to the apartment putting on a fresh reaper shirt and my cut, hearing back past Chibs to my bike. Reviving it to life I speed out of the parking lot, after driving for 20 or so minutes I stop at a near by convenience store. Walking inside I see a small girl about 5,10 at the cashier
"Sorry Um never mind just forget it, I forgot my wallet-
"How about make that 2, darling" I smile putting $ 10.50 on the counter taking my pack of cigarets and handing the second to her then beginning to walk out "You really don't have to do that, I would've payed for that myself"
"I know that, but I was just doing a nice gesture, darling think of it as a damsel in distress" I chuckle getting on my bike "But I'm no-"
"By the way the names Jackson teller or to most people just Jax"
"Well just Jax, My Names Kindle Parker but Kida for short"
"Nice to meet you" I smile and light a cigaret "Say how did someone like you end up in a small town like charming?"
"You know the usual, New place, New start and tired of being afraid of living each day, what about you?" She smiles leaning on my bike
"Not much to tell, I've been living here all my life, I'm VP soon to be President of a motorcycle club called Samcro, I have two sons...And well that's about it, here if you ever want to drop by here's my number" I say handing her a piece of paper "Come by anytime, Darling" I smile "See you around" I reive my engine to life and speed out of the lot.

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