The Night

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I got out of bed, got dressed and went out side for today was a weekend! I was free from school!

"time to go to the library and get a new book!" I walked to the library down the street and saw my best friend, Fiur. (pronounced Fire) "Hey Fiur." "Oh hi Sky what book do you plan on getting today? I was going to get a book called Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows."

"I was thinking about getting a book about an old game from the 2000's but, I don't know what one..." I said with a frown. "Let's go ask Loran the librarian if she knows any good one's" "ok"

"No we don't have any books like that from that time line sorry." Whispered Loran I frowned and started to walk away. "But wait! I do know an old thrift store that might."

"Yes!" I yelled and a bunch of people including Fiur said shhh. "Well this is it." She said. "Well it looks old.. but it's my only chance to get one. Let's go in." "Ok." "H-hello? Anybody here?" I asked. No reply. "Hello?!" I yelled this time. "Oh why yes there is! I will be right out!" Came a female voice.

"Oh hello children! I haven't gotten a customer in a long time!" The little old lady said. "I can see why." Snickered Fiur behind her back. "So what do you need kids?" "Do you have any gaming books from the 2000's?" "Oh your lucky I only have one." "Great! What game is it?" "Minecraft" "Ok how much?" "20$" "ok."

I walked home with Fiur To read our books at our makeshift book club but with only us. We didn't have any friends just us. "Alright let's start with your book Sky!"

I read aloud: In Minecraft, you're never alone and the threat of attack is constant. How can you survive? I turn the page to read something weird: To beat the game you must do these things; Free the Nether from the Storm, And free the End from the Dragon. Get the Egg and the Star and don't forget to get the wings to fly far. Find the Hero In Brine you must give the things and he will help you escape or never go back and be the same.

"Odd.." I said "Oh no! Sky its 12 PM at night! I have to go home!" "Fiur remember tonight was the sleep over?" "Oh ya I forgot. Oops." "Night then."  "Ok Night.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2020 ⏰

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