Chapter 2

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Aaron and Imogene sat in the lunchroom that was situated in the back room of the coffee shop. Every day they would have lunch together.

Imogene had brought a salami and cream cheese sandwich. She unwrapped it from its foil and took a bite. She then looked up to see Aaron watching her. "You seem down. Are you sure you're alright?" He asked when she had looked at him. "You can talk to me about anything. You know that right?"

She sighed and nodded her head. "Yeah. I was just thinking about my parents again." She confessed. "I just wish I could get some answers, Aaron. Does that sound stupid?"

Aaron was the only person that she told about her past. He was so understanding and he never judged her. When she had told him, he sat and listened to the entire story. When she was finished, he had gotten up from where he was sitting and hugged her saying that he was sorry that she had to go through all that.

Aaron put down his fork in the bowl he was eating from and looked at her. "No, it's not stupid at all. I completely understand." He replied then added when she didn't say anything. "I will do anything to help you find out about them, you know that right? I hate seeing you sad."

Imogene looked into his brown eyes and believed him. His handsome face was strong yet soft and right now it showed every bit of concern for her.

That was one of the reasons she likes him. He was always there for her and would do anything to see her happy. Feeling warm all over from the intensity of his gaze, she looked down before saying. "Thank you. I really appreciate that." She then took up her sandwich again and continued to eat.

"No problem. It will be my pleasure actually." Aaron replied, before taking a bite of the salad he was eating.

Imogene looked over the table at the salad he was eating and smile teasingly. "What kind of salad is this you're eating today?" Aaron was known for trying different concoctions when making salads.

Aaron returned her smile and pointing at his plate. "It's pasta salad with broccoli, chicken mince and peanuts. It's really good." He stated then looked at her with a grin. "Do you want to try it?"

"Hmm....I'm not so sure." She replied teasingly, but then added. "What the heck? Sure, I'll try it."

She was about to take up the fork when Aaron took it up himself with some of the pasta on it and bring it to her mouth. Without saying anything, she opened her mouth and took the pasta from the fork.

"This is good." She complimented as soon as she swallowed.

Aaron smiled. "I told you it was. Have I ever steered you wrong?"

Imogene laughed lightly. "Nope." She agreed before she continued eating her lunch. She was quiet for a while as she thought about something. Just then an idea came into her mind. "I'm going to visit the home where I grew up on Saturday. Do you want to come with me?" She asked hopefully. She hated the idea of doing this alone.

"Of course." Aaron agreed. "What time are you going?"

"I think I'm going to leave around noon," Imogene replied as she thought about it.

"Sounds good. I'm going to be there by then." Aaron stated.

"Thank you." She said in gratitude.


Imogene woke up early Saturday morning. However, she laid in bed staring at the ceiling.

Her window was half open and the curtains were pulled back a little so the fresh morning air invaded her room. She heard Robins that were perched on the tree outside her window beginning their morning melody. She smiled. For some reason, she really likes listening to birds singing. It makes her feel relaxed and peaceful.

She laid in bed for another fifteen minutes before deciding to get up.

She walked over to her window and pulled it open completely. She then walked into her bathroom to get ready for the day.

In the bathroom, she splashed her face with cold water and then stood looking at herself in the mirror.

As she looked at herself, bright emerald green eyes stared back at her. Imogene wondered if her mother or father had green eyes as well.

Shaking her head from thoughts of her parents once again, Imogene sighed and stood away from the mirror. She then proceeds to brush her teeth.

When she came out of the bathroom, she heads to the kitchen to get breakfast. After setting the kettle on the stove to make a cup of coffee, she prepared eggs and toast.

After breakfast, she decided to read a book to kill some time before she got ready to go to the orphanage. Taking up The Sun Is Also A Star from a small bookshelf that was in her living room, she headed for the couch.

She didn't make it far because as her luck would have it, her foot caught on the corner of her rug that was flipped up and she felt herself falling to the floor. The book flew from her hand as she tried to balance herself by grabbing onto the edge of the bookshelf. It didn't help as she lost her balance and fell on her bottom on the floor.

"Oh, crap," Imogene said as she rubbed her sore bottom. Luckily, the rug was there because the pain would have been worst.

I really ought to have this rug replaced, she thought to herself.

Just as Imogene thought that she looked up as she realized that the bookshelf she was grabbing unto earlier, was falling in her direction. Her heart jumped into her throat and her eyes went wide as she realized that she won't be able to move in time.

Fear took over her entire body as she snapped her eyes shut waiting for the impact of the bookshelf. However, she realized that even though she heard the bookshelf hitting the floor, she didn't feel anything at all.

That's weird.

Opening her eyes slowly, she looked down.

And what she saw shocked her.

The bookshelf had indeed fallen, but that wasn't the weird part. The weird part was; it fell through her. She couldn't even see the rest of her body because part of her was still in the bookshelf.

Shocked by what she was seeing, she scrambled away from the bookshelf quickly. As soon as she was beside the bookshelf, she crawled across the floor and over to the near wall.

With her back now resting on the wall, Imogene tried to control her racing heart and her trembling fingers.

What the hell just happened?

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